Just in time for Valentine’s Day: a new study has revealed “regular consumption of chocolate to be a heart helper.”
Read more about it here! Pass the Godiva.
a blog about faith, family, food, & more written by a wife and stay at home mom of five
by Aliesha
Just in time for Valentine’s Day: a new study has revealed “regular consumption of chocolate to be a heart helper.”
Read more about it here! Pass the Godiva.
by Aliesha
Those of you who know me well know that I am not an athletic person by any stretch of the imagination, nor do I have the vaguest idea what is going on in the world of sports at any given moment. However, being married to a youth pastor has thrust upon me the privilege of assisting him in hosting a Super Bowl party this year. We are excited about the time we will get to spend with the youth during the game Sunday night, but I’ll admit I’ve been a little apprehensive about a few things, such as commercial patrol and keeping the group cohesive when it is split between football and board game fans.
I came across C.J. Mahaney’s recent blog post in which he discusses some tips on watching the Super Bowl and glorifying God in the process. I thought some of you might enjoy reading it as well! Click here to read his Thoughts on the Super Bowl (as well as his predictions).
What about you? Are you watching the Super Bowl? Does your family watch the commercials? The half-time show? If you don’t watch some of the commercials, who is in on remote-control duty? And, finally… who are you cheering for?
by Aliesha
I’ll admit, I stole this post from Justin Taylor’s blog (one which Tad and I both frequent). However, we both really thought it was worth repeating!
It’s from an address by Ravi Zacharias, a wonderful scholar, author, and man of God (whom I had the privilege of meeting several years ago!).
I remember lecturing at Ohio State University, one of the largest universities in this country. I was minutes away from beginning my lecture, and my host was driving me past a new building called the Wexner Center for the Performing Arts.
He said, “This is America’s first postmodern building.”
I was startled for a moment and I said, “What is a postmodern building?”
He said, “Well, the architect said that he designed this building with no design in mind. When the architect was asked, ‘Why?’ he said, ‘If life itself is capricious, why should our buildings have any design and any meaning?’ So he has pillars that have no purpose. He has stairways that go nowhere. He has a senseless building built and somebody has paid for it.”
I said, “So his argument was that if life has no purpose and design, why should the building have any design?”
He said, “That is correct.”
I said, “Did he do the same with the foundation?”
All of a sudden there was silence.
You see, you and I can fool with the infrastructure as much as we would like, but we dare not fool with the foundation because it will call our bluff in a hurry.
At Feathers in Our Nest, you can expect to find delicious recipes, homemaking tips, practical advice for frugal living, resources for those who are in ministry, inspiring links, and cute photos and stories about our children. You can browse older posts by checking out the Tips & Tutorials Page or the Recipes Page. Thanks for visiting! Read More…