Disclosure: Irresistible Me provided me with the Sapphire Curling Wand in exchange for my completely honest review of the product. My opinions are 100% my own!
I have long hair, and as of late it had gotten quite difficult to curl. Not that it wouldn’t hold curl, but the thought of spending foreeeever long curling my hair with my sub-par curling iron made me turn to my trusty sock bun instead! When Irresistible Me reached out to me and asked if I wanted to review their Sapphire 8-in-1 Curling Wand, I jumped at the chance!
At first I was a bit skeptical… could this wand really be as easy to use and as awesome as other reviews claimed? Very quickly I realized YES! I’ve had SO much fun “playing” with this curling wand and trying out the different attachments!
The thing that makes the Sapphire Wand most unique is that it comes with eight attachments of varying size and shape. I have my favorites, but it’s fun to have other options too!
I love how the Sapphire Wand comes in a handy little black bag that keeps the base and all the attachments organized. It’s great for travel or just everyday storage!
Each wand clicks and locks into place in the base without any trouble. The locking mechanism assures me that the hot wand isn’t going anywhere! When cool, the wand is easy to remove from the base for storage.
I love how hot this wand gets (up to 450 degrees) and how the temperature gauge tells you exactly what temp it is at currently. The set includes a heat-resistant glove which makes styling safe and easy.
As to performance, the Sapphire Curling Wand is exceptional! My hair curls quickly and easily no matter which wand size I’m using. My hair looks great even days after I’ve curled it (even on rainy days)! Talk about bang for your buck! I can curl my whole head (thick, long hair) in less than fifteen minutes, and even after sleeping on it, my hair still has beautiful, loose waves!
My one teeny tiny complaint about the wand is that there is no kickstand or way of keeping the wand from rolling away off the counter when you set it down. I get around this by balancing it in the sink (obviously without any water on!), so it’s not a big deal. Overall, I highly recommend this curling wand!
The Irresistible Me Sapphire Curling Wand can be purchased directly from their site here.

looser waves achieved using the largest wand attachment
Natural Beachy Waves
For natural beachy waves, I like to use the “pearl” wand attachment. That is the funny-looking one that resembles a string of pearls. This wand gives curls of varying tightness/looseness within the same strand of hair, giving it a really natural look.
1) Attach the pearl wand to the base of the Sapphire Wand. Heat wand to desired temperature (I usually do 430).
2) Separate hair into three sections: top layer (left of head), top layer (right of head), and bottom layer. Use duck bill clips to secure top layers.
3) Separate out a strand of hair closest to your face that is about 1 inch thick. Use the wand to curl this strand away from your face.
4) For the next strand, curl it towards your face. Alternate towards and away from your face for this whole section.
5) Repeat the process with the top layers, only starting the curl as high as your ear.
6) If desired, separate out the curls with your fingers. Spray with hairspray, and you’re done!
These are my before and after photos. Before (left): Air dried hair; After (right): Curled with the pearl attachment of the Irresistible Me Sapphire Curling Wand
Again, you can grab a curling wand of your own right here! Irresistible Me also carriers straighteners, hair extensions, and hair accessories!