This birth is the first one where I’m planning on using essential oils in labor. I’m pretty excited about it! I think I packed lavender for my other births, but I can’t remember using it (except maybe on my pillowcase to help me relax). I’ve been doing lots of research on what essential oils are best for during labor and delivery, and I’m packing up my birth kit accordingly!
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, so if you are seeking medical advice, please talk to your doctor or midwife. Please discuss using essential oils in labor with your medical professionals.
My essential oils for labor
(Note: I most likely will not end up using all of these, but I want to be prepared for anything! Over the last few months, I have added some oils to my collection that are specifically for this labor.)
I’m not sure whether I will be able to use my diffuser in the hospital room or not, so I will just see when I get there! I can just inhale directly from the bottle if I am unable to diffuse in the room (which is totally fine).
clary sage / blend of jasmine / myrrh
For strengthening contractions and helping a stalled labor
Dilution: 10% in fractionated coconut oil
Application: Roller ball glass bottles – one bottle of each oil
For aiding in relaxation and for diffusing in the room
Dilution: n/a for diffuser
Application: Inhalation directly from bottle / Diffuser (will use 3-5 drops)
For easing labor pains / For grounding, focus, and clarity / For massage during labor
Dilution: 10% in jojoba oil
Application: Roller ball glass bottle
For diffusing in the room / For relaxation
Dilution: n/a for diffuser
Application: Diffuser (3-5 drops)
Pregnancy Blend
(this is a blend of peppermint, lavender, Ylang Ylang Extra, ginger root, frankincense, and vetiver)
For diffusing in the room (smells great) / For helping focus
Dilution: n/a for diffuser
Application: Diffuser (3-5 drops)
For nausea and dizziness during transition / For headaches / For helping turn the baby to an optimum birthing position if needed
Dilution: n/a
Application: Inhalation directly from bottle / For turning baby, one drop applied to lower back to help turn a posterior baby (side note: use on top of belly for turning a breech baby)
frankincense + myrrh blend
For perineal massage during crowning and pushing
Dilution: 10% in cold pressed extra virgin olive oil (blend of equal amounts of each oil)
Application: Glass dropper bottle for ease of use during perineal massage
For healing after the birth / For preventing anxiety
Dilution: n/a for diffuser
Application: Inhalation directly from bottle / Diffuser (3-5 drops)
Other Sources: cosmetic bag – Target (in store) / glass roller bottles / glass dropper bottle – Whole Foods (in store) / tiny amber bottles / washi tape for small labels
Have you ever used essential oils in labor? Which one(s) did you find to be most helpful?