The week before Christmas, Tad planned a party for the youth (and many of the parents and sponsors as well). We had a bonfire, s’mores, a gingerbread house-making contest, a white elephant gift exchange, and lots of fun! Here are a few pictures Andrea graciously took since I forgot my camera.
Labor of Love
If I had blogged on Christmas day, this is what I would have posted!
The song is sung by Jill Phillips on Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb of God album, and the video is from The Nativity Story.
Our Stockings Are Hung by the Chimney with Care…
Last week we received a package in the mail from my family with these beautiful stockings that my mom hand-crafted for us! The photos really don’t do them justice… they are so gorgeous! The package also included an “Our First Christmas” ornament with our wedding picture in it.
Last night Tad and I made a gingerbread house to test out a royal icing recipe I found here. It turned out well (i.e. did not collapse) and the frosting held fantastically! (The point here was to test the strength of this icing, not to create a Southern Living-esque decorated masterpiece, haha.)This morning after church Andrea took a picture of us by one of the Christmon trees.
Thought it turned out cute! And, speaking of church, check out our new website!