our nursery |
I know a lot of you were stressed out for me with all I had to do to prepare for Mango’s arrival when I first posted this list. I wanted to let you know that while I’ve added some things to this list, I’ve also checked off quite a bit! Here is the updated version:
Week 34
-pre-wash new diapers (done)
-buy cloth diaper detergent (done)
Week 35
–paint nursery (done… it took a total of 22 man-hours, but it’s done!)
-arrange care for Vera for when I go into labor (done)
-write notes for Vera’s caretaker(s) (done)
-deep-clean our bedroom (since Mango will be in there with us at first) (working on)
-make a new batch of laundry detergent (done)
Week 36
-gather breastfeeding supplies (covers, pads, lanolin, nursing bras, etc.) (done)
-gather post-partum supplies (done)
-get out newborn clothes (done)
-set up nursery (move around furniture, arrange closet, hang curtains, maybe decorate a little, etc.) (done, though there are still a few things we’d like to do in there as time goes on)
-pack hospital bags (mine, Tad’s, baby’s) (done)
-pack Vera’s bag (working on)
-take maternity photos (done)
Week 37
-bake several loaves of whole-wheat bread (also made this recipe too) and freeze (working on; one loaf baked)
-make a few meals for the freeze (done)
-create a freezer inventory list (done)
-stock pantry with staples (rice, oatmeal, canned goods, etc.) (done, though I may have to restock if baby is really “late”)
-set up guest room (my mom will be staying with us after the birth) (done)
Week 38
-write shower thank-you notes
-write and schedule next 2-3 review posts for She {hearts} It (almost done)
-catch up (or get ahead!)
Week 39
-buy any last-minute needs (disposable diapers, wipes, etc.)
-thoroughly clean out fridge
-thoroughly clean both bathrooms
-install car seat in new vehicle (hoping to have a new van by then)
-get a haircut
Week 40
-set up pack ‘n’ play in our bedroom
Week 41
-get a pedicure (it’s my reward if I’m still great with child…ha!)
I’m definitely feeling much better about everything!
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