6:10 I wake up before my alarm today because I crashed early last night. I spend a few minutes waking up. I check a few messages and respond.
6:30 I read my Bible. Today I’m reading in Galatians and 2 Peter.

6:50 Tad comes in with a cup of hot tea for me, and we read together (separate books) until he has to leave for work. I finished reading this one this morning.

7:30 Tad just left for work, and I pull out my laptop to do some work. The kids are away and are making breakfast, getting dressed, and doing their morning routine.
8:14 The kids have finished eating and cleaning up from breakfast. They’re all dressed except Felicity. They’re getting started on some of their independent school work.

8:30 I’m dressed and in the dining room, with a bit of makeup on. We do our morning devotions (currently this one), poetry (this book), and then the kids continue working on their various subjects.

8:46 Felicity is dressed. I turn on the diffuser with my favorite EO. Felicity helps me put in a load of laundry, and I take out the kitchen trash. I do a quick walk through of the house, straightening anything out of place.

9:05 I make another cup of tea for myself (blueberry herbal) and sit down to check everyone’s math. I give them back their work to correct and talk through it with them.

9:17 Cordelia and I spend some time working together. She does a reading assessment and recites several poems to me.
9:30 I take a break from homeschooling to address heart issues going on with one child. Then I help my potty-training child change into a new pair of undies and pants.

9:36 Vera and I work together, finishing up her math. She does some poetry recitation as well, and during this time I fold a basket of towels and rags.

9:55 The kids are reading in different parts of the house. I stir together a double batch of dough that I’ll use to make pizza tomorrow night.

10:17 We listen to history (this is our curriculum) all together.

10:30 Snack time for the kids! Apples and peanut butter today. Vera works on computer coding (using this book), and Tad will check over her work later tonight. I post on Instagram.

10:49 The kids head to the back yard to play and continue learning outdoors. I cook a batch of quinoa and a few lentils. I do a little more straightening, watch and respond to a Marco Polo from a friend, and post on my other IG account.
11:20 I fold a load of laundry (Felicity helps) and I start listening to a podcast while I do that.
11:29 I sweep the kitchen and do more house straightening. (Y’all are dying of boredom right now. I’m so sorry.)
11:49 Because I have a few minutes, I do a little prep work for dinner tonight. I’m trying a new recipe and I used these few minutes to start working on it.
12:06 Tad calls on his lunch break and we chat for a few minutes. The kids come back inside.

12:21 The kids are making their lunch and I’m making mine. We clean up the kitchen and I put away the food.

12:48 I sit down to eat lunch and while I’m eating (lentils + quinoa + broccoli + onions + roasted red pepper hummus) I finish up a blog post and hit publish.
1:02 The kids start an episode of Magic School Bus. I’m doing a little work on social media, as well as doing some finishing touches on a book party I have tonight (online but not on social media).

1:24 Felicity and I read together (this one), and then I tuck her in for her nap.

1:35 Cordelia and I have some time together while the others go to rest time. Today Cordelia chose to work on our planners together.
1:50 I do a German lesson on Duolingo, watch a Marco Polo from a friend, and send an email about kids ministry at our church.

2:11 I workout and listen to a podcast while I do!

2:34 Time for a cup of coffee! I dig into a good book (this one).

3:54 I do my nails super quick using my favorite press-on nails.
4:00 The kids are up from rest time and we all hang out for a bit.

4:52 I head to the kitchen to work on dinner. The kids are in and out, some helping here and there with kitchen tasks, and another one setting the table.

5:32 Jude is trying to figure out what kind of pasta we’re having for dinner, using the guide in this book.
5:41 Tad arrives home! The kids bombard him to tell him about their day.

5:58 We sit down to dinner. Tonight I have made Thai Peanut Noodles, with some fresh veggie spring rolls on the side. During dinner, we also do our family devotions, and of course everyone shares about their favorite parts of their days.
6:32 Together we all clear the table, wash the dishes, put away food, and tidy up the kitchen.

6:46 I start getting the younger kids ready for bed. The older ones are pretty independent. Felicity and I read together, and then I tuck her in with some more books (of course). Then it’s Theodore’s turn! He picks out a few stories to read, and then I tuck him in bed too.
7:06 I hop in the shower, and during this time Tad is having time with Vera (they’re coding together), and all the others are reading. They get a little time to read independently before we turn out the lights, and they love ending the day with books!
7:30 It’s almost time for my book party, so I hop on my laptop to finish up some details for it. The party starts, and then I’m hanging out with my hostess and her friends online! We’re chatting about new books (a bunch of new titles just came out this week), watching videos together, and I’m helping connect them with books that will delight their readers!
9:14 The party is over and I’ve finished my work, so I’m signing off for the night. Tad and I connect about our days, and then we grab our books to read ourselves to sleep!
Hope you enjoyed this little peek into an average day at our house!