I hope my mom won’t mind me sharing this. She wrote this and posted it on her blog a while ago, but I think it’s too important to be buried in those archives! I actually shared this with my Bible study girls last night, and it really resonated with all of us at our particular seasons of life. Hope that it can minister to you as well!
We are all busy people and our lives are filled to the brim with many activities and responsibilities. We are like a performer juggling many balls. We juggle our family, our friends, our household chores, our community and church commitments. We juggle our personal health/fitness and our hobbies & interests. Everything that we are responsible for is like a “ball” that we are trying to keep up in the air.
Some balls are rubber. Cleaning my bathroom is a rubber ball. It will “bounce back” (still be there tomorrow and the next day…) if I drop it (don’t attend to it today). Glass balls are the people in our lives. They won’t usually bounce if we drop them. They are more likely to get nicked, cracked or even shattered if we don’t keep them in the air.
My family members are glass balls to me. I want to be available to meet their needs and even to meet their desires. I don’t want this busy season of my life to be so filled with the tyranny of the urgent that I don’t spend time with the ones I love most. May God give me discernment and a servant’s heart so I can always keep my glass balls high in the air.