Every afternoon, I have a window of time where all of my children are napping at the same time (about an hour usually). Lately, I’ve been using this time to replenish myself because my days can be quite draining!
This is my “mama time.”
It usually involves a cup of coffee in a beautiful mug, and it always involves a piece of dark chocolate (yes, always dark).
This is a time for me to relax, drink my coffee before it gets cold or spilled, and do something I can’t do when everyone is awake.
Sometimes I read (I relished reading most of Little Women in December!). Sometimes I do a crossword puzzle. Even though I’m a mom, I still have a brain and it still needs to feel like it’s needed!
Today I wrote a few thank-you notes, started a grocery list, and talked to my mom and dad on the phone.
In addition to my afternoon mama time, I am also really prioritizing morning devotions. I read a few chapters of the Bible when I nurse Jude for the first time each morning. Sometimes the girls are still occupied eating breakfast, and sometimes they join me and “read” their own Bible or books while I read mine. If I can, I sneak in a quick chapter of a small devotional book too (currently, Contentment by Lydia Brownback).
I’ve also started doing a brief workout in the evening when the girls go to bed. I’m using the app 7 Minutes which is an intense full-body workout that just takes 7 minutes. It’s better than nothing, and I wouldn’t be doing anything if I didn’t do this… just being honest!
I’m really feeling more like I can “make it” during the day now that I’m taking time for refilling myself in these ways. It’s not selfish to take care of ourselves so that we can continue to give to others. I’m already feeling like I have more to pour out to my family since I’m making time to daily fill up spiritually, emotionally, and physically!