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I like keeping a record of the books I read each year (see 2011’s list here). Here is a list of most of the books I read this year!
(Listed in order of when I finished reading them)
And We Are Changed: Encounters with a Transforming God by Priscilla Shrier
We read this book for our ladies’ Bible study, and it was pretty good. A lot of it was pretty “basic,” but it was still an okay book. I probably wouldn’t choose it again for a study.
Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches by Rachel Jankovic
This is one of my favorite books on motherhood. Rachel writes from a totally real, in-the-trenches perspective and she still manages to keep her sense of humor as she shares biblical truths about being a godly mom. Have read it three times now!
Good Girls Don’t Have to Dress Bad by Shari Braendel
This book goes beyond a typical book on modesty to share how Christian women can dress in a becoming way (wearing the right styles for their body type and the right colors for their skin tone). I recommend it for any age.
Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider
This book makes me want to seriously streamline my life. I learned a lot of practical tips from it and I probably need to read it again to prepare for some spring cleaning.
21 Days to a More Disciplined Life by Crystal Paine
This is another good motivational read to encourage me to get my tail in gear in terms of being disciplined and organized. I liked it!
The Peacemaker: a Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict by Ken Sande
This is an INCREDIBLE, practical book for dealing with conflict in a biblically-appropriate way. We all face conflict with others at various times in our lives, and this book is invaluable to responding in a godly way. I can’t say enough good things about this book!
Dug Down Deep: Building Your Life on Truths that Last by Joshua Harris
We read this for our spring youth Bible study at our house. It’s a great theology primer whether you are a new Christian or you have been saved for a while. It is great for a small group study.
War of Words: Getting to the Heart of Our Communication Struggles by Paul David Tripp
We studied this book for our spring ladies’ Bible study. Everyone seemed to get a lot out of it, since communication is something we do every single day! This book is very biblical and heart-focused, and it also works well as a small group study.
Small Beginnings: First Steps to Prepare Your Toddler for Lifelong Learning by Barbara Curtis
This was an awesome book on toddler hood which helped give me a fresh perspective on some of the struggles I was having in parenting. It helped me better understand my toddler and how I can train her and help her learn and grow. A must read for parents of little ones!
Devotions, Advice, & Renewal for When Motherhood Feels too Hard by Kelly Crawford
I loved reading this devotional book and it was very encouraging to me at a difficult point this year. I recommend it!
The Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking by various authors
This ebook is AWESOME! I think it’s one I could reread and learn from every year (at least). All of the authors are bloggers and they each wrote a chapter on a topic near their hearts. The book flows together well while still allowing each woman to have a voice. I learned a ton from reading this book and I will definitely be reading it again.
Spirit-led Parenting: From Fear to Freedom in Baby’s First Year by Megan Tietz and Laura Oyer
My mom got me this book and my one regret is that I did not read it sooner! (It’s new, but I wish it had come out before Vera was born!) If you’ve ever struggled in wondering if you’re “doing the right thing” as a mom, this is a book you must read. They cover lots of hot-button topics like co-sleeping vs. cribs, schedules vs. attachment parenting, bottle-feeding vs. breastfeeding, etc., with grace and wisdom that will help you make the decisions that are right for your family.
A Handbook for Ministers’ Wives: Sharing the Blessings of Your Marriage, Family, and Home by Dorothy Kelley Patterson
Reading this book felt like I was sitting down with Mrs. Patterson having a cup of coffee! While a little bit rambling at points, this book is immensely practical and helpful for pastors’ wives. I loved it!
Living Well on One Income in a Two Income World by Cynthia Yates
I borrowed this one from a friend and had a great time reading it! A lot of the tips were ones I already knew, but I did learn a few new things from it. It was encouraging too, and I especially liked the parts about entertaining on a limited budget.
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon
This is part cookbook, part research paper :), so I can’t say I read every word, but I did read most of it. I’m still striving to serve good, healthy food to our family, and this book is really helpful, albeit challenging.
When Women Long for Rest: God’s Peace for Your Overwhelmed Life by Cindi McMenamin
This was another ladies’ Bible study book. It was just ok… not great. We’re going in a new direction with our next study.
Celebrating & Savoring a Simple Christmas by Crystal Paine
I can’t find a link to this ebook now, but this was a very helpful read as I prepared for a simple Christmas season. It helped keep me grounded and assured me I was making the right decisions in simplifying.
Young House Love by Sherry & John Petersik
I’ve been a devoted reader of YHL for 3 1/2 years, so I definitely got this book the day it came out. I really enjoyed seeing all of their new projects, ideas, and tips in this book.
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
I can “blame” this book on why I didn’t read more books this year, since the abridged version I read was around 1000 pages (chopped down from about 1400). I loved it, though, and it changed me. Must read!
Naturally Knocked Up by Danielle Baker
I enjoyed reading this book on natural fertility, health, and pregnancy. If you are struggling to conceive or simply want the most healthy pregnancy possible, this is a wonderful book to read. (No, I’m not currently pregnant.)
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein
I promised Tad I would finally read this (I’m a longstanding LOTR fan) before we went and saw the movie together. It’s a fun read and it certainly helped the movie make more sense.
What were your favorite books you read this year?