Just because I haven’t posted lately about babywearing doesn’t mean I’ve stopped! I still wear Vera quite a bit. I love using a Peanut Shell pouch sling when we’re out and about, and I also really love a mei tai that Andrea loaned me.
I haven’t worn Vera much in the Sleepy Wrap since she was little (I thought she stopped liking it), but today she was exceptionally fussy (due to lots of teething pain and gas pain), so I gave it another shot. As soon as I put her in the Sleepy Wrap she started to calm down! I wore her in it for about 30 minutes (until her nap), during which time she was very happy and content! I think being that close to me really helped soothe her.
no makeup – I’m keeping it real! |
I want to hear from other babywearers out there… do you/did you wear your babies after 6 months?
Oh, and right now (until 4/1/11) on She {Hearts} It, there is a Sleepy Wrap giveaway going on!