I’m not sure how many (if any) men read my blog, but if you are male and reading this, things are about to get awkward. Lots of discussion about the realities of postpartum recovery (some parts of which are not too pleasant), so consider yourself fairly warned!
Before I have a baby, I prepare a small box of supplies that I call my “postpartum kit.” This includes everything I’ll need as I recover from having a baby! And since this is my fourth baby, I’m pretty confident that I have all my bases covered! It’s much easier to assemble all of these supplies ahead of time rather than rushing out and buying things right after the baby comes. I’d rather be over-prepared than under-prepared. But I really do use pretty much everything on this list each time!
My Natural Postpartum Kit
Arnica Gel
This stuff is great for helping heal bruising and swelling from the birth. I use it on my face and anywhere else needed!
Witch Hazel
Totally one of the best things to use on hemorrhoids. ‘Nuff said.
Perineal Spray (DIY… see recipe at bottom of post)
Trying this out for the first time. I think it will really help my nether regions recover quickly after birth!
Sitz Bath
My hospital gave me one charged me on my bill after Vera’s birth, and it was so nice to use! I used it the most after her birth since I had a little bit of tearing. It is very soothing to use.
Postpartum Bath Herbs
I think the product I have is slightly different than the one I linked to above, but it’s very similar. You can use these bath herbs in a regular bath, in a sitz bath, to make a concoction to spray on your bottom using a peri bottle, or to pour over pads and freeze to make “padsicles,” as one of my friends calls them. It’s a very versatile product and is so helpful for healing.
Peri Bottles (free from hospital)
I love these bottles. Everything “down there” is so swollen and sore, so filling a peri bottle with warm water and using it for gentle cleansing after using the restroom is so nice. They’ll let you bring a bunch of these home with you, but you really just need one.
Earth Mama Bottom Balm
I can’t say enough good things about this stuff. It’s great for hemorrhoids and for using anywhere that is still healing. It’s nice for tears/stitches if you had any tearing. It almost has a numbing effect when you apply it!
For all the breastfeeding issues I have overcome (clogged ducts, improper latch, cracked nipples, mastitis, etc.), supply has never been an issue for me. Still, I like to take Fenugreek immediately after the birth and for the first few days or so as my milk comes in and my supply is established. If you’ve struggled with poor supply, this is the herb to take. I usually have to stop taking it after a week because it works so well!
Mother’s Milk Tea
Again, this is a product to help aid lactation. I keep it on hand just in case!
If you’re breastfeeding, you must get this. Your nipples will be tender (and maybe even quite sore) at first, and lanolin is safe to use for soothing your nipples while breastfeeding. It’s all natural and is the best thing I’ve found for that issue! If you don’t need it right away, you may need it down the road.
Bamboobies Cloth Nursing Pads – overnights and regulars
I stopped using disposable nursing pads a long time ago and made the switch to Bamboobies. Not only are they much cheaper in the long run, they also are super soft and they don’t “crackle” under your clothes the way disposables do. The overnights are best for the first few weeks if your supply is strong and you have a heavy letdown. After that, they’re great for using overnight. I usually start using the regulars during the daytime around 6 weeks postpartum (or so). I saw a huge reduction in clogged ducts once I switched from disposables to reusable Bamboobies, so that’s another plus!
Evening Primrose Oil
This supplement is great for regulating hormones, and we all need that postpartum!
This is what my practitioners recommend I take as I heal from my birth, so I went ahead and bought a bottle to have when I get home from the hospital.
Pill Container
In the sleep-deprived haze I will be in postpartum, I decided that using a pill container (from the Dollar Tree) would be a good idea. I also write down what medications I take and when so that I remember to take my next dose on time! I keep all that info in a notebook, along with when I fed the baby, how long the feeding was, and on what side I nursed them.
Shower Cap
I think I stole these from a hotel we stayed at (but you can get them at the Dollar Tree). Postpartum, you’ll want to take a shower every day and sometimes twice (between the bleeding, the milk leaking everywhere, and the baby spit-up and poop incidents that are bound to happen), but you may not want to wash your hair every time (or at least I don’t!). I like having a shower cap on hand so I can take a quick shower without having to wash/dry my hair every time!
Maxi Pads
At first I use the jumbo ones at the hospital, then I gradually work my way down to reasonable sized maxi pads. Trust me, your husband does not want to go shop for these for you (it’s confusing enough for you… imagine how he feels!), so do him a favor and pick up a few packs in varying sizes so you’ll be prepared! You can expect heavy bleeding for about ten days and lighter bleeding for four to six weeks.
Essential Oils
Of course I have my stash of essential oils on hand! I have Trauma-Gone and Vetiver on hand specifically for helping balance my mood/hormones after birth. Gentle Healer is another one I have on hand in case I have tearing that I’m healing from. Frankincense and Lavender are also great for healing inflammation. This post lists lots of other ways to use essential oils postpartum.
As mentioned above, I made a Perineal Spray to use this time. Here’s the recipe!
Postpartum Soothing Perineal Spray
3 Tbsp. witch hazel
1 1/2 Tbsp. aloe vera
3 drops Frankincense
2 drops Clary Sage
2 Tbsp. filtered water
Combine all ingredients in a 4 oz. glass spray bottle and shake well. For even greater relief, keep chilled in the fridge before using (not necessary, but nice!). Shake well each time before applying.
Is there anything else I didn’t mention that you always like to have on hand after a birth? Share in the comments section so others can be prepared as well!