Happy ten months, Theodore!
Some milestones:
-teething (just got a new top tooth, and has the other one coming in close behind)
-starting to pull up on things!
-swam in the ocean
-loves to eat (favorite foods: avocado, bananas, eggs, sweet potatoes, bread & butter, cheese, black beans, chicken, and peas)
-signs “milk,” “eat,” and (sometimes) “more”
-takes two naps a day (two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon)
-goes to bed between 6:30PM and 7:00PM, sleeps until 6:00AM, nurses, then goes back to sleep until 7:30AM
-likes to play with balls and anything he can shake (rattles, etc.) or use to make noise (“drums”)
-crawls around super fast!
-weighs 18 lbs.
-still nurses exclusively
-sleeps on his tummy (he rolls that way the second I put him down)
-loves his special blanket
-enjoys taking his bath (and splashing!)
-adores his big sisters and brother
-squeals when he is excited
Can’t believe that this little guy will be a year in just two months!