For the past couple of years, I have been keeping track of all the books I read in the year. I always love getting new book recommendations, and I hope you do too! I think I probably left a few books off the list, but I did my best to keep track of all of them! In order to keep this post from being super long, each book “review” is just one sentence, but I’ll happily share more info about any of the books if you ask!
Listed roughly in the order I read them…
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
A re-read, of course, which felt like catching up with old, dear friends.
Contentment by Lydia Brownback
Great little devotional book that is perfect for busy women (since each devo is just 2-3 pages).
Hospitality: The Duty of the Christian Home by Kathy Bradock
Nice little summary of the biblical basis for hospitality with some practical advice for those new to showing hospitality.
101 Independent Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers by Mary Ellen Bream
Contains lots of ideas for activities for busy little ones… a great resource!
It’s Me or the Coupons: How a Busy Mom Can Win the Grocery Budget Battle by Beth Cranford
Helpful resource on getting started couponing without losing your mind.
Blog at Home Mom: Balancing Blogging and Motherhood by Christin Slade
This is a really great book for learning how to juggle blogging and being a mom, without losing your mind!
Monkey See, Monkey Do: A Tutorial to Using PicMonkey with Professional Results by Richele McFarlin
Before reading this, I had no idea that I could use PicMonkey to create really awesome graphics for my blog (and otherwise!).
No Cook Freezer Meals by Kelly McNelis
This has 18 great recipes for freezer meals you can prepare quickly (no or little cooking required).
31 Days to Build a Better Spouse by Ashley Pichea
Guided prayers for your spouse… such a good resource for strengthening your marriage through prayer!
A Heart Prepared: A Simple and Effective Scripture Memory System by Jami Balmet
This little eBook comes with printable Scripture cards, plus practical ideas for committing God’s Word to memory.
Taming the Laundry Monster by Angi Schneider
Contains good ideas for laundry management, including when and how to get your kids involved in doing their own laundry!
If you’d like to get started cooking and eating real food for your family, this book is an awesome place to start, filled with all the practical advice you’ll need to make it work time-wise and budget-wise.
This might be one of my favorite marriage books to date, simply because Wagner (a naturally strong woman) explains submission to a husband’s leadership in a very biblical and approachable way, with lots of personal stories from her life and the lives of women she has counseled.
We did this study on the fruit of the Spirit with our ladies Bible study, and we all loved how practical and biblical it was!Enough: 10 Things We Should Be Telling Teenage Girls by Kate Elizabeth Conner
Reviewed in full here, this book is an awesome resource for moms, sisters, aunts, youth workers, and anyone else who is influencing teen girls.Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home by Gloria Furman
I was encouraged after reading this excellent book to apply the Gospel to my ministry in my home and to my family.DIY Natural Remedies by Nina Nelson
I’m starting to dabble in DIY herbal remedies, so this was a good starting point with lots of “recipes.”31 Days to a Staged Home by Leslie Ann Hoyt
I love reading Leslie’s blog, so I found this book on home staging very practical and interesting!Essentials of Essential Oils by Rachel Ramey
If you’re new to essential oils, this book is helpful for learning the basics of methods, diluting, carrier oils, and more.How to Become a Better Home Cook by Lindsay Moe
This was a good little eBook about growing in your cooking skills.Kids Eat Real Food by Vanessa Pruitt
I enjoyed this eBook on raising kids who enjoy eating a variety of healthy foods.The Everything Beans Book by Katie Kimball
We eat a lot of rice and beans in our family, so I read this book to try and add a few new recipes to the mix.Can I Get a Pickle Without Yellow 5, Please? by Sarah Nichols
If you aren’t aware of the possible health hazards of consuming artificial food dyes, you definitely should read this book.
The Eczema Cure by Emily Bartlett
I have struggled with eczema for over three years, and this helpful book finally has me on the right track to finding healing from it.
The Sovereignty of God and Prayer by John Reisinger
If you’ve ever wondered, “If God is sovereign, why do I need to pray?” then this is a book you’ll want to read!
How to Market and Sell Your eBook by Sarah Mae
This was a reread, but I wanted to refresh my memory as I prepare to write my first eBook!
How to Blog for Profit without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Soukup
This was also a reread this year, but it’s an awesome book about growing your blog and generating an income from it.
Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas
We are doing this study in a moms group I am a part of, and I just love the emphasis on what God is teaching ME and how He is sanctifying me through parenting my children!
Ruth & Esther by Kathleen Nielson
This is a 12-week Bible study through two well-known books of the Bible, but it provides lots of insights into historical background an whole-Bible context.
Book of the Year
Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson
I’m going to write a full review on this one soon, but it was definitely my favorite book I read in 2014, and one of my favorite parenting books ever!
Sara says
love this! i’m going to put most of these books on my to read list now. 🙂 some good books i loved this year were “love does” by bob goff, “surprised by motherhood” by lisa-Jo baker, and “cold tangerines” by shauna niequist.
Aliesha says
I’ve heard good things about those, Sara!
Hannah Avery says
Wow, you read a lot of great sounding books this year! I think I need to read at least a few of those. The last one, your favorite, sounds like a really great book! Great post!