I have three favorite Christmas season memories with Vera this year, so far. One of them I posted about yesterday. Another one was getting to make cookies with her last Friday!
She “got it” this year, for the most part, and was able to help roll the dough and cut out the cookies (kind of).
Of course she thought the cookies tasted delicious!
My #1 favorite memory of Vera this Christmas season was when we went caroling last Thursday. She did really great as we went room to room, singing to various residents. In one room, she made a beeline for an older woman sitting in a recliner. She climbed up on her lap and cuddled with her while we sang our songs!
I had tears in my eyes as I watched her show love and spread Christmas joy. It was so precious!
My heart is overflowing with joy this season, and I am so thankful for my sweet family!