I’m officially starting the THIRD TRIMESTER! I’m excited, you guys!! At the same time, though, I’m beginning to feel very nervous about having three little ones this fall. All the comments I get about having my hands full now aren’t exactly helping inspire any confidence in me either.
I’m doing some back stretches/exercises that I am hoping will begin to help with the extreme back pain I’ve been experiencing the last few weeks. I’m trying to improve my posture and do what I need to do to help my body adjust to all the extra weight in the front.
I’m going to see my midwife this week for my checkup and glucose test. Praying everything is okay!
Baby boy is moving a lot, per usual. Last week Vera listened to his heartbeat with my at-home dopplar. She is getting excited about her new baby brother! Cordelia is blissfully ignorant, but I know she’ll love him too.
Thank you for praying for us and our sweet boy!
You can do it! I have four little ones, and I don’t think I ever had three quite as close in age as you, but not far different. (Mine are now 6, 5, 2, and 1.) I found the hardest time was the year after the birth of my second baby (15 mo. after my first). Ever after that, things got easier each time around. Yes, I was busier, but it was easier in so many ways. I had been down that road before, and it was recent. Making decisions about this cry or that, what was the next step on the baby’s schedule, and so on, was not a shot in the dark any more (most of the time!). I was more relaxed, gave baths less often, and didn’t sweat the small stuff. Also, I let so much go. I mean my house was a disaster, but my kids were happy and everybody was living fine, so bathrooms with 6 months of buildup were o.k. (in the big scheme of things) and toys that were all over the floor constantly became a way of life for a while. One big thing that helped me was conditioning my kids to let me take a nap while they were awake. It is possible and I started that during pregnancy when I would get so, so tired. For the youngest, it sometimes meant just putting her in the crib, maybe with toys, so she would be safe. The others had to look at books quietly, or snuggle on a bean bag chair beside the couch while I slept. You’d be surprised how they will follow your cues. Most of the time, my children at least pretended to sleep, just because they wanted to be like Mommy. One final note is recognize your limits and live within what is humanly possible. Call (don’t ask for them to volunteer!) other people to give a hand. Once I had my sister come and just load the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen after supper. It only took her 30 minutes, but it was something that I just struggled so hard to get done. Just 30 minutes or an hour of someone else pitching in can boost you a mile and let you have a chance to relax. I know you’ll do great. You will adjust to a new normal, and whatever level of busy that is, it will be fine and you will be happy. God will give you strength for every hour of each day. He always, ALWAYS did that for me! I was continually amazed how continual weeks of 3 or 4 hours a sleep a day were enough. Now, when I sleep 6 hours a day, it’s still enough. It’s like God always makes it enough, no matter how much or how little it is.
Thanks for your encouragement, Sally! I definitely need to get a handle on what is important and what can drop (and then not feel guilty about the things that drop!). Thank you for the reminder that God will be the one giving me strength!
you will be just fine. just take it one day at a time and keep life simple!!! every time someone tells me, “you have your hands full,” I always say… “i have waited my entire life to have them this full.” i never want my kids to feel like a burden, and sometimes that comment can have a negative feeling with it. hmmm… i think i might do a blog post about that subject! π you look great!!!
I love that response, Liz! I might have to steal it. π
I will just say that every experience is different. I am overwhelmed with four. Very overwhelmed. Like I was ready to cry when we had to come home from my in laws after a great weekend at their house. And I remember sinking into depression after number three.
You may be just fine, but if you end up feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to bet help. There is no shame in needing help, whether that is medication or physical help from someone.
I can tell you’re in “the thick” of it too right now, Stacey! I’ll pray that God continues to give you grace! Thanks for the reminder to seek help when I need it. A lot of times I know we as women struggle to ask for help because we’re “supposed to” have it all together. The truth is, we need one another and we need biblical community so we can help each other practically and spiritually!
You look so good! I love what Sally said – I second everything. I know you can do it, by God’s grace and strength! Give yourself grace, especially in the beginning.
Thanks, Kelly! That’s encouraging!
Well, I will say that going from 2 to 3 was honestly easier for me than going from one to two and a lot easier than going from 3 to 4. I felt torn between my 1st two a lot… so when Owen came around I didnt feel that as much… and because there was a 3 year gap between Owen and Taite, my 2nd was a little more independent than Caleb was when Taite came around. Does that make sense? HAHA… its late…
However from 3 to 4… well, you know. I battled very crippling depression. Had to be medicated… there were days I laid on the floor and could not move! I would call my friend / neighbor over to get my kids because I literally could not function enough to care for them. Was not an easy or fun time… and I hate the 1st two months of Reed’s life I honestly do not have found memories of, besides sweet cuddles with him? …t hats really about it. Yeah, that bad lol.
SO!! that being said, I will be totally honest in saying it will not be easy having 3 so young… but just like Stacey said, there is no harm in asking for help and you need too if you ever feel you cant do it…
I will say once Reed began to sleep for at least 4 hour stretches and I got on some medication, the pages turned very fast and I felt so much better. Now that he is 8 months (that is crazy to think abt some days), he sleeps all night and I feel normal again… I also began weaning off meds a month ago and as of now am totally off them but do keep them on hand incase I ever feel I need them.
Any who, hang in there!! excited for you all. Baby Boys are so sweet. Then again, thats all I know π