Tad’s parents (known to our girls as Grandanny and Grammy) did a book night as their theme night for the beach! There were well-loved books everywhere!
The food was all themed around various books.
“Some Pig” (bacon) topped salad
Templeton’s Platter was quite creative!
Bread and honey from the Beavers’ house in Narnia
Talking beast/non-talking beast (also Narnia)
Green eggs and ham
Jack’s magic beans
We had a reminder about manners
The kids’ table
Table settings
My yummy plate of food!
Grandanny and Grammy were Oompa Loompas!
The Willy Wonka chocolate fountain was EXTREMELY popular!
We all made “book-themed” t-shirts.
“children are made readers on their parents’ laps” |
“buks r gud” (books are good) |
If you give a mouse a cookie…
We were all impressed by Grandanny and Grammy’s creativity! It was such a fun night for the kids!
What cute ideas!