This recipe is from my church back home’s secretary, Tammy. It is SUCH an easy recipe, and I think I’ve made it three times in the last month or so! It doesn’t get any easier than this. Try it!!
Coffee Beef
(or, as we like to call it, “Best Roast EVER!”)
Spray your crock pot with canola oil. Place your roast inside (buy a cheap roast… I promise it will be tender!).To your crock pot, add the following:
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
some carrots, if desired (I always add these… because carrots cooked like this taste soooo good!)
1 cup of brewed coffee
1 can beef broth (I substitute 2 Tbsp. soy sauce and enough water to make 1 cup)
Sprinkle with dried basil and cracked pepper.
If your roast is frozen, cook on high for 2 hours, then turn it to low and cook for 4 to 5 hours.
If your roast is thawed, cook on low for 6 to 7 hours.
When finished, let rest for a few minutes before slicing (put on a plate and cover with foil).
You can use the drippings to make gravy… but I usually don’t because the roast is so good by itself!Enjoy!
Aliesha!!!! I am ecstatic to have your blog! I love being able to keep up with people who are kind of in the same place we are…and to hear how your pregnancy is going! Wow you are way ahead of me in cooking…though i’m learning. I go out to monneysavingmom all the time and get great deals at the store…so I”m leaning how to coupon shop. Now if I could just do that once a month cooking…I may try that next month. Or maybe halfway thru this month…not this week however as I have lots of things I am out of that I need to get. Gideon and I will be going grocery shopping when he gets up from his nap. Sounds like you are feeling good and find out what the baby is tomorrow!!! Good for you…so excited to hear!
ooooooooo im not big on beef but that looks so good! and simple! thanks for the recipe.
I have a roast in the freezer, so I’ll have to try this recipe! And we always have leftover coffee when we have Wednesday night prayer meeting at our house, and I hate to throw it out. Now I have something to use it in! Thanks!