It feels like the weeks are flying by now! Click here to see last week’s photo and click here to see what I looked like a month ago.
I had an appointment with my midwife yesterday, and she was pleased with how things are going. My weight has stabilized a bit (I’m no longer packing on the pounds at an enormous rate…haha) and I am not swelling anywhere yet. Baby girl is still moving around a lot, so she may or may not be head down at this point. My midwife said that’s not a big deal until 36 weeks when she is supposed to go head down. Apparently our baby girl is going to gain 1/3 to 1/2 of her birth weight in the next 7 weeks. She’s considered full term (everything will be fully developed) in 5 weeks!
I can feel her little hands and feet when she stretches, pushes, and kicks. It’s so sweet! Tad said last night that he had no idea how well he would be able to feel our little girl, since he thought pretty much just the expectant mom could feel the baby moving. He feels her kicking all the time!
I’m a little uncomfortable at night, but I’m trying to sleep a little longer and rest during the day when I can. I really want to go into labor well-rested, since I hear it’s a pretty big workout. π I’ve been reading about preparing for a natural birth.
We’ve been shopping for baby things and starting to pack for the hospital. I know it seems early, but I want to have everything packed by 34 weeks when I travel out of state for a wedding and then head off to youth camp on the other side of our state for a week. With being so far from home, I want to be prepared in case I go early!
I’m off to work on the nursery!
u look so cute π
im all abt being prepared!!
You do look so darling!
I don’t remember pregnancy being that cute. π Congratulations on baby, waiting in the womb.
Thanks to both of you!
Thanks to both of you!