Just really quick… if you haven’t joined my email list yet, I’ll be sending out my latest newsletter this Friday morning! Each week I’ll share a little bit more about our life – recipes I’m loving (and I think you will too), special things happening in our family, blog posts you’ll love, and other fun goodies I know you’ll be excited about too! Click here to sign up.
If you think I have “it” all together, just come look inside my mini van.
Last week when I gave friends a ride in my van, I had to apologize for three (no lie) banana peels, a seat filled with crushed up goldfish crackers, and more than four random socks. (Am I the only one whose children immediately remove all footwear upon entering a vehicle?) Good thing I wasn’t trying to impress anyone.
If you think I am a perfect mom, let me tell you about the time recently when one of my children scratched another child and actually drew blood.
Not my finest mom moment.
If you think my house looks clean all the time, you should have seen it this morning before Tad vacuumed.
I literally couldn’t put Theodore down anywhere because there were too many pieces of crud (leaves, washi tape, food, paper, stickers, etc.) that he could have put in his mouth. Yeah. Gross.
As moms, we tend to beat ourselves up over things like this. We tell ourselves likes like, “Other moms have it all together,” or, “I’m a failure.”
We even share our failures on Facebook and Instagram and use the hashtag #momfail, as though one bad day stamps our mom report card with a big fat “F” for the year.
But the truth is, none of us have it all together. (That’s why we need Jesus.) None of us are perfect wives, moms, housekeepers, or friends.
When we are open about our struggles, we realize we’re not the only ones! We can encourage each other to strive toward being better, godlier moms, without wallowing in guilt trips or believing lies about ourselves.
We all need a little encouragement that we’re in this boat together!
Speaking of encouragement, I’ve been watching a short video series all about the #momfail culture. It’s so encouraging to feel like I’m not alone!
If you need to hear this message too, click here or on the banner below. Each of the three videos are about 15 minutes, so it’s not a huge time investment, but it’s so worth it for the encouraging message!
This free video series is available until 4/26/16.
Your mini van and mine too! Love this!