Theodore turned six months old at the end of February, and I’m a little behind on posting his picture (it’s been a very busy last three weeks!).
Here are some milestones:
-has two bottom teeth
-loves to play with his little toys
-likes nibbling on his toes
-weighs about 17 pounds
-gave us a really awesome belly laugh the other night when he got amused about something
-scoots/pivots while on his tummy… crawling may come soon!
-tries to give kisses but doesn’t know to close his mouth
-likes being worn in the Boba
-slept 12 hours last night, then 2.5 more hours
-says, “dada”
-has his own “look” even though he has certain expressions that remind us of the other kids
We are thankful that Theodore is healthy, growing, and just an absolute delight to be around! Love this sweet baby!
I can’t believe how much he has changed. He is so cute and just adorable!!
Thank you!