Did you know that elderberries can help relieve flu symptoms? A batch of elderberry syrup is easy to make, and we like to take it daily for immune support and flu prevention. If you happen to come down with the flu, you can up the dosage and take it for relief. It can help shorten the duration of the flu!
I bought organic elderberries here and made a batch a couple weeks ago. My kids love taking it because it’s fruity and sweet from the honey!
Keep it stored in the fridge.
For kids, you can give them 1/2 tsp. and for adults you can do 2 tsp. (Of course, never give honey or things that contain honey to kids under 1.)
Other great additions to this syrup are ginger, cloves, and cinnamon. I made it “plain” this time, but I want to try adding fresh ginger next time like my friend Stephanie does!
- 1 cup elderberries
- 2 cups filtered water
- ½ cup honey
- In a small saucepan, bring to boil elderberries and water. Simmer until reduced by half.
- Strain through cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer (I found cheesecloth to work better). Squeeze any remaining juice from berries.
- Let cool, then stir in honey.
- Pour into a bottle and refrigerate until needed.
source: elderberries
Feel free to pin it for later!
Please check your link for where you bought your elderberries. When I clicked the link it took me to WebMD. We take elderberry syrup, but I have never made my own. I saw some listed on Amazon and wondered if that was the source you used as well. Let me know. 🙂
Thanks, Angela… I fixed the link! I bought the organic 1 lb. bag.
Hey Aliesha! Wondering if there is a way to make this safe for infants and if you know if there are benefits in fighting off other sickness than just the flu. Phin and I have something and I’m drinking elderberry tea but trying to figure out if I could give anything to him. Thanks!!!
This isn’t safe for kids under 1 (because of the honey), and I don’t know of anything else like this that’s okay for little one’s Phin’s age. Just get yourself better, get lots of rest, and pass on those antibodies to him! Feel better soon!