So after the excited post I wrote last week, who thought I would still be here writing a week thirty-nine post this week? NOT ME!
For the past two weeks I’ve been experiencing prodromal labor… contractions and signs that labor is imminent but without a steady progression that leads to “real” labor. It’s been so discouraging. For about 8 days straight I woke up with the thought, “I’m going to have this baby today!” only to be wrong again and again. I have contractions every day for hours, including ones that are in my lower back, wrap around my whole abdomen, and go down my legs. It feels very “real” but the contractions don’t get stronger and closer together as they will in true labor… they just fade away after a few hours. I hit a wall emotionally Wednesday last week and spent a LOT of time crying. I really didn’t expect to go “early” this pregnancy until all of the signs started happening that made me think that labor was near (when it actually wasn’t). If any of you have had prodromal labor, I am so sorry. It’s the worst.
My word for the week is “volatile.” I cry at the drop of a hat and I’m feeling very emotionally unstable. I am praying lots for God to give me grace and patience as I wait on His timing for our baby’s birth, but I’d be lying if I said it was easy.
I keep getting everything ready (food cooked, laundry done, house cleaned) only to have to start over again in a few days since I still haven’t gone into labor. Definitely a roller coaster emotionally!
I’m so thankful I’ve had many friends encouraging me this week, as well as my mom and my mother-in-law. Everyone is excited to meet our baby too, but they are encouraging me to look to the Lord.
So, as you pray for us, here are some requests this week:
-that I would be patient with God’s timing which is so different from my own desires
-that this baby would come really, really soon
-that we would glorify God in this time of waiting
Thanks for your support!
Well you look great 🙂 – but I know the feeling and how discouraging it can be when you think its time but it isnt. Owens pregnancy was so hard because of that very same thing. Just imagine tho, I started with contractions with him at 28 weeks and it continued til I had him. Thats why I had to be medicated because I was getting no sleep and calling my midwife constantly thinking I was in pre-term labor. It was ridiculous! I literally felt like I was loosing my mind. I am thankful he stayed in until 39 weeks tho 🙂 – but the pregnancy was extremely emotional.
You got this tho! You are ALMOST there and if anything, this should encourage a quicker labor. Txt me when it happens!! im so excited for you all. Time to even out the house hold in numbers hehe.
Thank you so much for this comment and for your emails too. Just knowing you’ve been through this too helps me know I will get through it and eventually have a baby! I will definitely text you when I go into labor!
Praying for you!
Thank you so much!
Hang in there girl! Those last few weeks drag on for so long and can be so frustrating! With my oldest, I had 14 hours of false labor at 39 weeks-FOURTEEN!!! It was crazy. My contractions were 2-3 minutes apart for hours and when we got to the hospital they slowed way down and I hadn’t progressed at all. So frustrating! Then when I actually went into labor, I was so annoyed because it was 11 p.m. and I just assumed it was false again haha! A few hours after that my water broke, and then 3 hours later she was born! I have found that a lot of friends plus myself have pretty quick labors when there is a lot of false labor, so hopefully taht will be the case for you as well! Hang in there mama! Can’t wait to see your perfect little one. Praying for you!
That is insane!! But also encouraging that your labor went quickly when it did start! Thanks for the prayers!
I’m thinking like all the others are: this prodromal labor will pay off when “real” labor begins. Your body is getting ready for the big event!
But I know–oh, how I know–how frustrating the up and down rollercoaster can be. Do you have something to look forward to each day that you don’t have the baby? That has helped me sometimes in the past. Not that it has to be something big, but even knowing that I could have a special food or drink or some little treat for myself made each day of waiting a little more bearable. 🙂
I’m praying for you!!
Thank you for the encouragement, Davene! I will try and think of a few “fun” things to do this week with each day that passes without a new baby. 🙂