Thirty-four weeks! Countdown: 6-8 weeks to go!
Lately I’ve been feeling good, but I have had a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions. One evening last week they were pretty fierce, and they stuck around even when I drank lots of water, changed positions, etc. Fortunately they went away before bed and didn’t return until the next afternoon. Most evenings they return for a few hours.
My blood pressure is fine and I don’t have much swelling (though I can tell my ankles are just a little fatter than normal some days). I’m grateful!
For the most part my energy level is good. My other three kids tire me out, but I don’t feel like I have to nap every day. I do try to lay down on my side for about 30 minutes most afternoons.
There is still much to be done before baby comes… arranging childcare, making meals, buying essentials, bringing down baby stuff from upstairs, etc. I feel like I have plenty of time, but probably when my “nesting” instinct kicks in in a few weeks, I’ll be driving everyone crazy as I work like a madwoman!
We’ve been looking at double strollers since our Joovy we loved broke. We’d like to have a new one before September so I can go out with all four of the kids (ha). I think I found one I love! I also started creating some baby announcements. And we still haven’t fully decided on either a boy name or a girl name!
Goals by 36 weeks:
-have hospital bags packed
-decide on names
Thanks for praying for our pregnancy and for reading these updates!
You look so great! I feel like your belly is still really small. I’m sure you don’t feel that way, but I think you look amazing!
Thanks so much, Liz!