C’mon, baby Apricot! It’s like you’re camera shy or something! (If you’ve seen me recently in real life you know my bump is bigger than that, haha!)
I’ve been feeling great and really enjoying this season of my pregnancy. The second trimester is the best trimester, as far as symptoms go!
We made the decision to not find out the gender of the baby this time! Our ultrasound will be in a few more weeks, and we will (hopefully) stay strong at the appointment and wait until the birth to know the gender! It was a decision Tad and I came to together after lots of talking it through. Thanks for all your input last week!
We are so thankful for our little baby growing and changing! He or she is about the size of an avocado now. I haven’t felt movement yet, but I also don’t lie still very much (and when I do, I’m asleep almost instantly!). I’m looking forward to feeling those little butterflies!
Hello SPRING–and my lovely little mama girl! <3 Love you!