Thought I’d share a little pregnancy update with you guys since I’m now in the SECOND TRIMESTER, baby!!
As you can see, I definitely have a baby bump now (it’s more obvious in person than in this picture), and it’s comforting to know that Baby Apricot is growing and developing! He or she is now the size of a small apple. Even at this small size, Apricot can bend all his or her joints and limbs, and can sense light.
I’m feeling good overall and thankful that the season of nausea has passed! There are still some foods I’m not crazy about, but for the most part I feel great. My energy levels are higher than they were in the first trimester, but I still try to sneak in a power nap several times a week. I keep telling people that I’m not sure if the tiredness I feel is from my “big” kids or from the pregnancy!
Something we’re on the fence about right now… should we find out this baby’s gender before the birth or not? We found out with the other three. We have two fall birthdays already (Vera and Jude), so we have plenty of seasonally appropriate clothing of each gender. One of us is on Team Wait to Find Out, and the other is on Team Find Out ASAP. The ultrasound appointment isn’t for a few more weeks, so we still have time to debate… I mean discuss… the issue! What do you think?
We waited for the first three and found out for Julia. Hands down… WAIT! 😉 You look beautiful. 🙂
Thanks, Liz!
I’m on team wait! I loved guessing and finding out we were right..we did find out with Caleb but we were already convinces he was a boy so it wasn’t too much of a surprise. I feel it gives you an added determination during birth too. 🙂 Not that you really need it. 🙂
So fun!
You look so great! I waited to find out with both of my kids, and I loved it! My husband, on the other hand, was dying to know. 🙂
Sounds like our family! Tad is the one who really wants to know. 🙂
I’m on team wait! I’ve waited with both of mine and it makes the experience of giving birth so much more awesome! Plus, the nursing staff and midwives have always said they like the surprise too! It’s just so exciting to have your husband announce the gender.
Yes… I want that experience too!
We waited to find out with both of our boys…seemed to drive everyone but us crazy 🙂 but we loved it!
That’s awesome!
Haha, I’m too impatient! I say find out! We had a surprise for our first two and found out for all the rest. I didn’t feel finding out took anything away. Once you see them and meet them is such an amazing miracle that it isn’t even about the gender! Best of luck on your debate:-) ~ Jen
You’re right… it’s just not about the gender at all! They’re loved no matter what. 🙂
We have found out with all four of ours, but this time we plan to wait until birth to find out! It’s the first time either of us has wanted to wait (and we both are ok with it) 🙂
Team Wait! I’m on week 9 and I still LOVE the suspense of surprise and knowing I’m so in love with whoever is in here 🙂 we found out with our first which was special too but I’m excited to not know this next round too! Plus I love all the cute neutral clothes out right now and room decor ideas 😉
Congrats on your baby-to-be!
Wait 🙂
Its a lot of fun. We did this with our 2nd and I dont regret waiting 🙂 – was so cool to not know.
I think it sounds cool too!
Find out.
I think being able to plan your nursery and get all the clothes ready helps to past the last few weeks when time seems to stand still. When everyone is saying haven’t you had that baby yet. I think it helps to be able to daydream aboout the precious baby girl or boy, what they will look like or who they will favor. It really doesn’t matter if he or she is #1 or #4 they are still very precious and are definitely a gift from God.
No matter what you decide there’s no wrong decision. It’s totally up to you.
Good points! We loved having things all in order with our others.
You look absolutely beautiful! I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better, too – what a blessing!
To find out or not to find out is such a significant question. We have found out with all of ours (and plan to with this one, as well) except for our fourth. He came so quickly after our 3rd that he was a surprise all the way around, and it just seemed right to let the sex be a surprise at birth, too. It was perfect for that pregnancy.
For all the others, I have loved finding out…for preparation in practical areas, yes…but even more so, because I love the bonding that takes place even before birth when that child is already known, called by name, etc.
In my pregnancy now, I am eager to find out because I’m looking forward to being able to picture our family, which I *think* will be completed by this new addition.
However, if Jeff felt strongly that he wanted to wait to find out, I wouldn’t hesitate to go along with that. One thing the Lord impressed upon me during one of my pregnancies (I’m pretty sure it was with Moriah, but I could be mistaken) 😉 is that it’s not just MY pregnancy and it’s not just MY birth experience. Even though my body is nurturing the baby, it is Jeff’s, just as much as it is mine. I’ve been tempted to be selfish during pregnancy and act as if Jeff owes me something because I’m doing all this work and I’m suffering and so forth. But realizing that his dreams and wishes were every bit as important as mine sort of revolutionized how I approach pregnancy now – not that I’m perfect in this area!!
I don’t write this as any sort of condemnation of you at all! I’m simply sharing a little bit about what I’ve learned along the way. 🙂
And I will say that I’m REALLY glad I had the experience one time of not finding out until birth. 🙂