I sometimes get the sense from people (random strangers, mostly) that we’re crazy for having our kids so close together. (And, if I’m honest, I have days where I wonder if we’re crazy! Ha!) But we feel truly blessed by each one of our children and we are thankful God has chosen us to be their parents, and to grow in the process of sanctification as we parent them. In case you don’t know, Vera and Cordelia are 18 months apart, Cordelia and Jude are 19 months apart, and Jude and Baby Apricot are going to be 2 years apart.
When people ask me with sincerity about child spacing, I tell them that I wholeheartedly recommend having kids close together! (As a side note, I know of several families who would love to have a bigger family or tighter spacing between their children, but God hasn’t allowed that to happen for them, so I definitely don’t mean for this post to make anyone feel worse about their situation.)
So with all those caveats, here are a few reasons why it’s awesome to have your kids close together.
1) They can become close friends
It’s so sweet to see all of my kids playing together with MegaBloks or some other toy. I love the bond that Vera and Cordelia have with one another. One thing I have heard kids from big families say is that they love always having someone to play with!
2) They have to work through challenges with one another and learn to share, play well together, etc.
Since our kids don’t go to pre-school, we have decided to provide them with a peer group made up of siblings instead. They are learning basic life skills such as good manners, sharing, patience, taking turns, helping, etc. There is a lot of character growth happening here every day as they work out their difficulties!
3) They can learn so many things together since they’re on a similar level
We’re homeschooling, and I know it will be great when these three are all learning history, science, and more all together. Even now they all love to pile on the couch while I read book after book to them.
4) They have similar schedules for naps, etc.
Right now as I am writing this post, all three of my children are napping peacefully (and have been for almost two hours). Ahh… naptime. I’ll be sad when my oldest gives it up, but it sure is great for now! And in general, our kids are in similar seasons of needing help from us, going to bed at the same time, etc.
5) Your infant car seat is still in date
Okay… so we will get to use our infant bucket-style car seat one more time with this new baby (our 4th)! I think that’s pretty cool. (Our car seat was good for 6 years, but check the date on your model!)
6) Your maternity clothes are still in style
Heading into my third summer pregnancy (how did this happen??), I will still be wearing some of the clothes I got when I was pregnant with Vera five years ago. Styles haven’t changed too much since then, so I’ll be good to go!
7) You get an unending supply of cuddles and kisses
I sometimes think I might be the most hugged and kissed mama in the world. Now that Jude is busier with walking/running/climbing/etc., he’s not as interested in cuddling, but the girls are! I love all the snuggles.
That’s just off the top of my head! I’m sure there are many more awesome things about having your kids close together, but this list is a pretty good start!
I love these snuggly little people!! WHAT a joy they are to all of our family and to many others!! So thankful that you believe what God’s word says–that these needy little ones, who take A LOT of care, are GOOD gifts from Him. Can’t wait for next weekend! Love you all!! <3 Mom/MiMi
As I was reading your comment, CC walked in the room and said, “I miss MiMi terribly!” (We just got your sweet Valentines in the mail!) Love you!
Yes, yes, YES!!! I agree with this post whole-heartedly. Especially the close friends and the learning from each other. I love a positive post about having kids close together. Mine will be 21 months apart, and I get so bogged down by the “YOU’RE CRAZY” comments. The way I look at it, it might be a little crazy, but it will be crazy for a shorter amount of time, and I’m giving my kids wonderful playmates. Thanks for the awesome post!
Thanks for commenting, Tara! Love your perspective!
we have 3 children that are a total of a little less than 5 years apart….. first 2, 21 months last 2, 3 years. they are friends even now in there teenage years. yes can be tough when younger but diffently worth it.
That’s so good to hear!
They are definitely 7 excellent reasons. Since you’re done a few post lately, I hope that means you are starting to feel better. Just remember not to overdue it. It’s always great to take a nap when the little ones do. God bless!
Thanks, Crystal! I actually took a nap this afternoon. 😉 I’m feeling a good bit better overall!
I doubt that there are many families with children closer in age than ours! Our first two are 2 minutes apart; our daughter and her “baby brother” are 1 minute apart! Yes, our children are triplets. I also had a summer pregnancy; they were born in September. (They’re teenagers now.) Seriously, however, I wholeheartedly agree that there are numerous advantages to having children close together!
Ding ding! We have a winner! I bet the little years were a wild ride for you… but what a blessing! Thanks for commenting!
They are a blessing Aliesha! We are expecting our numbers 7 and 8 in a few short weeks. Our kids are all close and it’s wonderful that they will always have each other. Enjoy God’s precious gifts and this very special time raising them!
Congratulations on your babies to be, Jenny! Is this your first set of twins? How fun!
Yes! We actually don’t have any twins in our family so it is very exciting!! Thanks Aliesha!