When we go out as a family (with our three kids four and under), I need to take these things with me:
-three sippy cups
-three changes of clothes (one child is recently potty trained, plus we usually drive 45 minutes away from home to go anywhere)
-diapers for one child (yay! only one in diapers!)
-small wet bag for holding cloth diapers
If we’re going to church, I also need:
-two Bibles
-two notepads and crayons
-three snacks
For life group, when we’ll be out waaaaay past bedtime, I also take:
-three pairs of pajamas
Occasionally I also have to add:
-a teether
-other food items
Can you imagine how big my diaper bag would have to be to carry all this stuff??
We’ve found a solution that works for our family!
Each of our kids has their own backpack, and as soon as they are able to, they carry it themselves! The girls each carry their own backpacks, but Jude doesn’t yet.
It’s great that when we drop anyone off for childcare, their bag is with them, has everything they need in it, AND is labeled with their name!
Also, you can just throw these in the washer/dryer when they get dirty!
Now I don’t have to lug around all their stuff, AND they are learning responsibility for their belongings!
(My sweet friend Andrea gave Vera and Jude their backpacks for their first birthdays. We got CC’s for her at that age too! You can find personalized backpacks like these by searching for “Stephen Joseph Backpacks” on Etsy.)
What a great idea! Now that we have a baby, I need a backpack for my daughter. Have these backpacks been durable? Are they comfortable for the girls to wear? I love the cute designs.
Yes, they are durable and comfortable!