I think it’s important to get one thing clear: living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t do a thing to make us more favorable in God’s sight.
While I am certainly supportive of anyone who wants to make changes in their lifestyle in order to become more healthy (I set goals like that too!), I don’t want anyone to think for a moment that doing so will make God love them more or bless them in a particular way as a result of their actions.
Taking care of ourselves physically is important, but it’s such a small thing when compared to growing in godliness in our walk with God. We all have to make decisions on how to spend our time, but God’s Word tells us that spiritual training is more important than physical training.
1 Timothy 4:7b-8 says: “Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”
So care for your body, eat good food, exercise, and make wise choices. But know that growing in godliness is vastly more important than any of those things! (And remember that even spiritual training, such as Scripture memory, Bible reading, and prayer, do not earn you any favor before God either! Thank you, Jesus, for your amazing, undeserved grace!)
Have a worshipful Sunday!