Happy first birthday, Jude!
We just love you to pieces and we are so glad God blessed us with you one year ago today. You were a good idea!
Some milestones:
-is perfecting his “truck” noises
-weighs 25 lbs.
-pulls up on everything and “walks” around furniture, but hasn’t taken any first steps yet
-likes to be tickled and to tickle others
-enjoys wrestling
-has four teeth with more on the way
-current favorite foods: butternut squash, eggs, chicken fajitas, and any fruit
-loves to dance to music
-thinks his big sisters are pretty great
-enjoys playing in the toilet water
-tries to stack blocks on top of each other to build a tower
I loved going back and reading Jude’s birth story and looking at some pictures of him from the past year.
It’s so fun to look back at all the monthly “chair” pictures and watch Jude grow up!
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven
We feel so blessed to have Jude in our family and to get to celebrate his first birthday this weekend!
Cant believe he is one. Goes to fast! Time for #4 now HAHA! he needs a brother!
Happy happy birthday Jude. You are so precious and we all love you so much. Enjoy your party today.