As some of you know, we are homeschooling our kids. But for us, right now (with Vera being 4 and CC being 2.5), it doesn’t look like a curriculum or a bunch of seat work. There will be plenty of time for handwriting and textbooks in the future.
Right now, we’re instilling in our children a love for learning – any time and any place!
This is what homeschooling has looked like at our house this week!
-taking a field trip to the zoo where we got to see lots of animals we have been studying about
-going on a family walk where we found acorns and studied them
-learning about giraffes and orangutans
-painting with watercolors
-working on letter identification (G for giraffe and O for organutan)
-going to the library for story hour and checking out books
-reading library books (and other books) together
-setting/clearing the table
-helping with laundry
-baking muffins together (measuring, counting, and stirring)
-practicing counting
-putting stickers on paper
-going to the park and discovering many interesting things to look at
We’re not really a “workbook” family, so this kind of homeschooling just makes sense for us!