We have an espresso machine and we often use it to make lattes, but recently I’ve been experimenting with making a latte without an espresso machine! (Liz asked me how to do it way back on this post, so this recipe is sorely overdue!)
This method is so quick and simple, so it’s a perfect way to enjoy a foamy latte without any special equipment!
Easy Peasy Latte
1/2 cup whole milk
1 tsp. maple syrup
1 cup strong coffee, freshly brewed
In a large mug, combine milk and maple syrup. Heat in the microwave for 45 seconds. Use a hand-held frother* to froth until foamy. Pour in hot strong coffee.
*I have a cheap hand-held frother from IKEA. If you don’t have a frother, heat milk in a small glass mason jar, then put the lid on tightly and shake for about 30 seconds until foamy.
Do you enjoy making specialty coffee drinks at home? I’ve pinned lots of coffee drinks to my Coffee Shop Dreamin’ Pinterest board!
That looks yummy! I’ve never had coffee before though. 🙂