A few months ago I featured a beautiful chalkboard print on my blog post “God is Always Good.” Erica, the Etsy shop owner, emailed me and said she wanted to thank me for featuring her on my blog, so she sent me one of the prints I liked so much! How kind of her!
Sweet Face Design on Etsy features beautifully designed custom typography prints, canvases, and more for your home and to give as gifts! The marriage quote by John Piper print is now hanging in our bedroom as a good reminder to us! I love the typography and, of course, the message.
Poke around the shop and favorite a few items. I know you’ll love what Erica has to offer!
Also, you can like Sweet Face Design on Facebook for all the latest shop news!
Erica has been kind enough to provide a print for me to give away on Feathers in Our Nest (open to US and Canada)! If you’re not married or soon to be, this would make a lovely gift for a friend!
To enter, log in to the Rafflecopter widget below, and follow the instructions to enter! (Note: Even if you don’t have Facebook, you can log in with your name/email and choose the comment method of entry!)
I don’t typically like giving marriage advice because I always feel like it’s a work in progress. But I would say read the Bible together and pray together as you draw closer to God you will draw closer to each other!
One piece of advice that has helped Jeremy and I tremendously is to have realistic expectations of one another! And be open and honest about what your expectations are so that someone is disappointed if those expectations are not met.
This is a lovely quote and cute sign! (I also love your jar of flowers, Aliesha!) Thanks for link to the Etsy shop; I love finding new and lovely Etsy shops! 🙂
Make sure to do your own things and have time for yourself.
When Marcus and I were first married I wrote down a little piece of advice that was helpful “my expectations of what I think Marcus should be or do doesn’t coincide with the reality of who he is. Accept Marcus for who he is and pray for him to grow. My greatest expectations must be from God, not Marcus”. This was so helpful to me since my husband was not a follower of Christ at the time. He is now, but this quote remains true.
Comparison kills contentment! Your husband might not be perfect, but he’s perfect for you!
My advice is always have a system where both partners don’t feel as if they do ALL the work. For Rickie and I that is if I cook he washes the dishes and visa versa. Same as whomever washes and dries the laundry the other person folds. It works well and neither of us go into the rant of how much we did around the house over the other!
Make time to have fun together. In the busyness of life, it is easy to forget to just relax and have fun together, especially when you have little ones. Making and taking time to just laugh helps us reconnect and enjoy being together.
Read the Bible and pray together, stay close in Christ!
Always listen
Never go to bed angry
My advice is to talk about everything. Whenever we have had problems, it was always because one or both of us were holding something in instead of talking about it.
We were told at our wedding: The couple who prays together, stays together! We’ve only been married 2 years, so we’ll have to wait a bit longer to see how that advice actually pans out, but it’s working so far! : D
Communictaion is key…prayer, scriputure study..all important things
Enjoy life together. Go out and do things and experience things together.
Learn to laugh together!
Share any issues or problems you have with your spouse directly and discreetly. Be very careful about venting to others, women often like to stir up drama and not really offer support.
Two things made the most progress in my marriage…1. choosing to trust my spouse with my feelings, hopes, etc – I had a hard childhood and that made trusting more difficult. 2. realizing that I want to be on the same team as my spouse and walking in that – sometimes little things creep in that could be considered competition or something, but no, I want him to win and succeed because we are in this together.