It’s like I blinked, and Jude’s tenth month just went by!
He’s growing in so many ways and has so many new opinions about things.
Some milestones:
-has two teeth on the bottom and two that have just broken through on the top
-army crawls faster than a speeding bullet
-weighs: 23 lbs.
-eats three solid meals a day (usually something like eggs/cheese/fruit for breakfast, chicken/cheese/sweet potatoes for lunch, and beef/beans/veggies for dinner)
-says “b,” “d,” “m,” and “g” sounds, as well as vowel sounds
-squeals and screams (happily) at his sisters in the car
-giggles and loves to be tickled
-loves his crochet blanket and lovey
-has more and more hair every week!
-sleeps 7PM to 7AM (approximately)
-likes baths and LOVED the pool when we went earlier this month
-gets upset when he drops a toy or when a sister takes something away from him
-is learning how to use a sippy cup
-pulls up to his knees on benches, stairs, etc.
-really enjoys the Hokey Pokey
I took all these photos last month, but just now got a chance to edit them. (As you can imagine, I’m rather busy chasing this little guy around and fishing objects out of his mouth.)
Love his sweet cheeks!