Contentment. It’s such an elusive thing, isn’t it? Some people spend their whole life feeling discontent with their state in life, where they are, and what they have.
I have found that when I am not content in a particular season, I am probably not going to be content when I am out of that season.
If I’m not content to be single, I won’t be content when married.
If I’m not content without children, I won’t be content when I do have them.
If I’m not content when my husband is in ministry, I won’t be content when he is not in the ministry anymore.
If I’m not content in poverty, I won’t be content in wealth.
If I’m not content at this church, I won’t be content at the next one.
If I’m not content to be “stuck at home” with a bunch of little ones, I won’t be content when our lives are busy with extracurricular activities.
If I’m not content now, I won’t be content “then,” whenever “then” comes.
How often do we complain about the things we once craved? And how many times do we seek after “the next thing” as soon as we get what we always wanted?
That is because things and other people can never satisfy us. Only God Himself can deeply meet the longings within us.
Our discontentment now only prepares us for further discontentment in the future. This can manifest itself in two primary ways. When we receive what we had wanted so badly, we can immediately begin running after the next thing (life milestone or better possession) because we are already discontent with what we just received. The other way is by anxiously fearing what will come next. We are removed from a season of trials or a burden is lifted from us, but rather than finding contentment, we instead fear the future, scared to breathe a sigh of relief lest something worse happen to us.
Both of these responses show a heart of discontentment, which ultimately shows a lack of trust in God.
But the good news is this: We can be content now because of God’s grace that enables us to walk in His strength.
Paul writes in Philippians 4:11-13, “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
Many times verse 13 is taken out of context and used for almost anything, but the real context of this verse is having contentment. The secret to contentment is Christ giving us the strength.
In another passage (2 Corinthians 12: 9-10), Paul writes: “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
Here we can see that it is possible, by Christ’s power, to be content in the midst of painful circumstances and difficulties.
I have definitely experienced many challenges over the past few years of my life (and I know I will in the future as well), but I can say that the Lord has enabled me to be content in many of those circumstances. It is amazing to see God giving me that gift of contentment, and I know it isn’t something I could have mustered up on my own strength!
I pray for you today, that you would find contentment and peace in whatever you are facing, “through Him who strengthens” you!

Aliesha- This post was so wonderful- words that I needed to hear. It was such an encouragement and it so blessed me today! I’m passing this post on!
Hope your day is beautifully blessed!
Thank you so much, Libby!
Aliesha, thank you!!
This is exactly what I needed today. I haven’t commented on your posts lately but read your blog all the time and love it.
I had my 6th baby very close to when you had Jude. My Jacob has been in and out of the hospital since day one and our lives have really had to adjust to make this all work. God is good in every season and he continues to bless us and strengthen us. Things may not go on our schedule or time but we need to be content with God’s timing. He has a plan and if he allows for things to happen, it’s for his glory.
Definitely a great blog today Aliesha as I have been preparing for Jacobs total repair heart surgery next week. To be content with what the Lord sees fit for us and gladly serve him with a humble heart!
Have a blessed day and thank you for writing today:-) ~Jen
Jen, Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I am praying everything went well with Jacob’s heart surgery.