As I was preparing for our ladies Bible study a couple of weeks ago, I read Colossians 3:23-24, which says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” (ESV).
I’ve read this verse many of times (as you probably have too), but it struck me differently this time. (Isn’t it amazing how God’s Word is “living and active”?)
I think I always thought about it from the perspective of not accepting the praise that men offer you for your work, but looking to God to reward you. As in, people will cheer you on and appreciate you when you serve, but make sure you’re focused on giving God the glory instead of receiving it yourself.
When I read it this time, though, I realized that, while turning praise back to God is important, this verse is also talking about the unseen service. The acts of service and love that we do that are completely unseen by men, but which matter to God. I also thought about how little our culture values motherhood and homemaking.
It’s easy for me to serve and work hard in “public” ways – being involved in campus ministry in college, serving at a summer camp in high school and college, leading a community ladies Bible study now – because in those arenas, men (people) did/do appreciate my work.
“Whatever you do” – making coffee, making the beds, doing laundry, watering plants, serving breakfast, grocery shopping, endless sweeping, wiping bottoms, kissing boo-boos – is service to God. We can view our work as worship to God when we do it from a heart that is focused on serving Him and bringing Him glory.
The phrase “work heartily” is a great reminder to be diligent, faithful, and not lazy. When I am busy at home, I do feel fulfilled in my work. When I am slack in the work I have to do (the dull, everyday tasks such as menu planning, folding diapers, etc.), I find that my heart becomes bitter. But when I throw myself heartily into serving my family, I can find joy because I know I am serving God. The same is true in other areas of life, not just being a homemaker.
When I (we) work “as for the Lord and not for men” it changes our perspective. Rather than feeling hurt that no one notices what we do each day or appreciates our hard work, we can be confident that God sees our faithfulness. This should change our perspective.
We are reminded in verse 24, “knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.” We aren’t promised that others will applaud our work or even notice it, but it is true that the Lord sees it. Our reward is from Him.
This passage concludes by stating outright: “You are serving the Lord Christ.” It’s pretty obvious here, right? While, yes, we are serving our families day in and day out, ultimately we are serving Christ.

Thank you for this excellent, encouraging word. It spoke to my heart and both encouraged and provoked me to greater excellence in the work I’m doing at home “unto Him.” Even if no one acknowledges the work, it has great meaning if it is done for the Savior!
Thank you for your kind words, Courtney! Blessings to you!
This is honestly everything I needed to hear today! Wow! It was just one of those days… My toddler fought his nap, my house is a wreck, and I even found myself snapping at my husband and ended up in a room crying alone from the bitterness! I know God used you to get through to me. I’m so glad you wrote these words. I will be saving this to read when needed! Thank you so much.
Krista, these are the words *I* need to hear every day too! Saying a prayer for you.
beautiful!! And it’s soo nice to know that with the correct heart and focus these daily things are our service to the Lord. And to our children and husband… who may not thank us now…. but maybe one day:)