Here are a few inspiring posts for your weekend!
–Cultivating Community {Not just for moms!}
“Community doesn’t just happen. Most of the time it starts with us. I want to share with you some key ideas that I have found that contribute to growing and cultivating community….” (read more)
–How to Find the Happy in “Happy Mother’s Day”
“The mom who is saved by grace can feel happy this Mother’s Day because she is happy. She is blessed….” (read more)
–How Not to Be Disappointed this Mother’s Day
“…the gift of motherhood, the art of this beautiful, terribly holy work is to find a way through to forgetting myself in favor of someone else….” (read more)
–To All the Giving Mothers: So God Made a Mother
“Because God needed someone to love the least and the little into real whole people, and He knew that to love is to suffer so God made a mother….” (read more)
-Mother of the Year Award should go to this little mama!
Have a great weekend!