Jude is three months old today and is about to celebrate his very first Christmas!
He’s our smiling sweetheart (except for most pictures, ha!) and we just love him to pieces.
Some milestones:
-has vibrant blue eyes that I’m pretty sure are staying that way
-started sucking on his fingers recently
-wears size 3 diapers (and will be transitioning to cloth soon)
-wears 6 month clothing
-loves Christmas lights
-follows our voices and faces by turning his head
-coos and giggles at us
-looooves it when I sing to him
-sleeps 9.5-10 hours a night usually
-still hates tummy time
-has upwards of 3 chins 🙂
We’re so blessed by our little Christmas elf!
He’s so-o-o-o-o-o adorable!!! (and handsome!) Can’t wait to snuggle him soon!
Have a great weekend! Love to all! MiMi <3