Sometimes I struggle because my desire to give is greater than my financial capacity to do so. I see needs present in lives around me and I want to help, but when we’re just “getting by,” I feel like we can’t give much, or at all.
I’m not talking about tithing (money given to our local church); we always withdraw that money first from each pay check – before bills, other funds, etc. I’m also not talking about general gifts, like birthdays and holidays. What I’m talking about are the needs of friends and other people around us who are dealing with sickness, loss, discouragement, financial difficulties, and other trials. I want to give generously to those people, and help inspire in them a faith that God will always love them and care for their needs.
I want to be like the widow in the gospels:
“And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on'” (Mark 12:41-44).
We are by no means living in poverty, but we definitely aren’t rich. (Though, compared to 95% of the rest of the world, we are!) I want to give generously to others, and not just out of our “abundance.” Giving is a sacrifice.
Here are some practical ways to give generously:
– Give time
Watch a friend’s children so she can run errands by herself, clean the house, or shop for Christmas presents. Pour yourself into the “behind the scenes” ministries at your local church. Help a friend pack, move, or unpack. Show others you care about them by serving.
– Give talents
Take family photos for a friend. Hem curtains. Make a wreath. Redesign a blog. Edit a paper. Use the gifts and abilities God has given you to bless others!
– Give food
Make extra food and share a meal (or part of a meal) with others. Bake a loaf of bread. Pick up a few extra groceries for someone. It’s amazing how a few dollars spent on ingredients can morph into a beautiful, warm meal.
– Give possessions
Which of us would not agree that we have too much stuff? My friend Kate recently gave away all her kids’ baby clothes. She didn’t consign them for cash; she gave to people in need, blessing others as she had been blessed.
– Collaborate with others
As a group (like a ladies’ Bible study or a church small group), create a gift basket by each bringing an item or two.
– Open your home
Show hospitality, even when money is tight. Host a Bible study or small group. Have a potluck. Pick an idea from this list!
– Start a benevolence fund
Our family started a benevolence fund at the beginning of this year, and it’s been such a blessing to be able to give from that this year! We set aside a portion of our tax return in February (we withdrew cash and saved it in an envelope) to use for giving towards the needs of others. I can’t even tell you how much it has thrilled my heart to have money to give to others this year!
How are you giving generously right now?
Great ideas Aliesha!!