Last Sunday, Vera stayed in the worship service at church with us for the first time.
When I first read Parenting in the Pew, I thought that we would start trying to keep our children in the worship service around the age of three (even though the author suggests around five, I believe). As Vera approached three, I didn’t really hold out a lot of hope that my very active, kinesthetic-learner, busy girl would be capable of sitting during the whole service.
Vera told me the week before last that she wanted to stay with us during the service. I was surprised, but excited. I packed a few books (Bible-related), a small blank notebook, and two colored pencils for her to use during the sermon.
On Sunday when we arrived at church, she reiterated to me that she wanted to stay in the service with us. We dropped Cordelia off at nursery and gave Vera one last chance to change her mind.
During the singing at the beginning, Vera stood on the chair next to me and tried to sing along a little bit. During announcements, she had some questions for me, so I encouraged her to whisper in my ear instead of talking loudly.
When it was time for the sermon, I pulled out the activities I brought for Vera. Because I had my Bible open and was taking notes, she opened her little notebook and started “taking notes” too. She was a little wiggly, but she was quiet for the most part.
Vera made it through almost the whole sermon and then told me she needed to use the bathroom, so we left briefly and returned to the service. After that, she was less attentive, but we stayed in the rest of the time.
At the offering, Vera put her money in the basket as it went by, and seemed delighted to give her money to Jesus. During the closing three songs, Vera sang more, especially during the last song, which was “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.” That was the only one she knew, and she smiled with recognition as it began. Melted my heart, fully and completely!
This week I’ve been playing some songs for her that she may hear at church, just to familiarize her with them so she is more prepared to sing along.
All-in-all, it was SUCH a tremendous blessing to worship together as a family on Sunday, and we are thankful for how God is already working in our daughter’s heart, softening her towards things of Him and calling her towards Himself!
Yay Vera!!! It is so wonderful to worship together as a family, although, the training part can have it’s challenges 🙂