Here’s where we stand in terms of preparation for our new baby! Don’t worry… we’ll get it all done!
I checked off everything from Vera’s and Cordelia’s lists well before they came. (Reminder, Vera came at 13 days past her due date, and I was induced with Cordelia at 9 days past her due date.)
Weeks 34-36
-arrange care for Vera and Cordelia for when I go into labor (done)
-gather breastfeeding supplies (covers, pads, lanolin, nursing bras, etc.) (mostly done)
-gather post-partum supplies (mostly done)
-get out newborn clothes (done)
-pack hospital bag (I have a preliminary bag packed for me/baby, but not for Tad yet)
-take maternity photos (done)
-make a few meals for the freezer (done)
-buy some newborn diapers and wipes (done)
Week 37
-write notes for Vera and Cordelia’s caretaker(s)
-set up guest room
-order double electric pump (free through insurance)
-buy a new SD card for camera
-finish packing all hospital bags
-make a new batch of laundry detergent
-clean our bedroom
-create a freezer inventory list
-continue making things for the freezer (concentrating on breakfast/snack foods)
Week 38
-thoroughly clean out fridge
-spot clean car seat cover
-install car seat in van
-write shower thank-you notes
-catch up (or get ahead!)
-continue making things for the freezer
Week 39
-buy any last-minute needs (disposable diapers, wipes, etc.)
-thoroughly clean both bathrooms
-bring down baby seats/swing and set up downstairs
-get a haircut
Week 40
-set up pack ‘n’ play in our bedroom
Week 41
-get a pedicure (if I’m still pregnant, I’m SO getting a pedicure! It didn’t put me into labor last time, but it felt great!)
You are so organized, I love it! Can’t wait to see your new baby boy!
Thanks, Gillian!