1. Useful for workouts
You can find all sorts of workouts that use an exercise ball. I’ve done some prenatal exercises using mine!
2. Promotes good posture
Because of the way you have to sit on it to stay balanced, it helps keep your spine aligned properly. You can sub out your desk chair for your exercise ball!
3. Relieves pregnancy back pain
I have used my exercise ball in a few different ways to help strengthen my back and relieve pain while I’ve been pregnant this time. You can lay back on it for some relief, or you can kneel in front of it, put your arms (fully extended) on it and roll it forward for a great stretch.
4. Prepares you for labor
I bought my exercise ball when I was 40+ weeks pregnant with Cordelia. Rocking back and forth on it is good for helping the baby move down into the proper position for birth as your pelvis opens. The rocking back and forth motion is actually similar to walking in terms of trying to get labor started.
5. Awesome labor tool
I labored on a birthing ball provided by the hospital with Vera and with Cordelia. It was wonderful! I could sit on the ball and drape my body on the bed, rocking back and forth and letting gravity do the work! It’s a great alternative to walking the halls if you don’t have an ambulatory monitor. Plus it’s quite relaxing and gives you something “productive” to focus on doing (rocking or swaying) during each contraction.
6. Comfortable to sit on postpartum
After baby, soft surfaces are a must! I sat on my exercise ball a lot during meals instead of on a hard kitchen chair.
7. Calms a crying baby
I distinctly remember bouncing a fussy baby Cordelia on my exercise ball all evening one time when she was little. You can even wear them in a wrap, sit on the ball and bounce gently, and have your hands free to do something else (blog, read, etc.).
8. Kids love to play with it
My girls love playing with the exercise ball! It’s a really fun “toy” for toddlers and even older kids.
My exercise ball was around $12-15 (and it came with a pump) at Wal-mart, and it was totally worth the investment!