This post is part of my ongoing series on hospitality.
Tell me a little bit about some of the ways you currently practice hospitality.
On a regular basis I have my church group on Wednesday nights. We began mid-week meetings in homes a number of years ago. I noticed that folks would put out some snack type food….folks had rushed home and then out to meet together and many had not had dinner. I started serving a meal…it has caught on and now we have a meal before our Bible Study at everyone’s home. I love this fellowship and consider it a ministry to those who attend. I also monthly have my Moms and Mentors group to my home for dinner and “mentoring”! Most months I like to do the entire meal myself…I love to give the young moms a night “off” and serve them a little! Sometimes, I will ask everyone to bring something and we enjoy the sharing of recipes and ideas. Our church is always ready to provide meals to any families that are in need – and I love to take part in that. With your current blog [series]…I have felt some conviction! I notice that MOST of my hospitality is to my family now that they are grown. I have my adult children and their families each Sunday for dinner… and try to take a meal when I come see you! (Note from Aliesha… I LOVE it when you do this!) Your post really made me think!
How does this look different NOW than it did when your children were small?
I really do think the biggest difference is that I do more family now! When my four sons were growing up…we OFTEN had folks for dinner most Sundays. If there was a missionary or speaker – Danny and I would jump at the chance to have them in our home for the Sunday meal. We always thought that was great for us and our sons to have men and their families in full time service at our table. We tried to invite visitors to the church over as well. Being lay youth leaders for years – we ALWAYS had teens in our home. We hosted Teen Bible Study every Friday for close to a decade – and often we would have other young men at our table different nights of the week.
What is one of your most memorable gatherings/parties/times of fellowship? What made it special?
Oh boy! Most MEMORABLE: one time I had our former Pastor and wife over (both in heaven now)! I had the table set, salad and sides ready and put the beautiful chicken in the oven set to come on and be ready when we arrived after church…at least I thought I did…Actually: NEVER turned it on!!! We walked in to a completely raw chicken. They were gracious and we had salad and conversation while it cooked in the microwave! My pastor’s wife would always get a twinkle in her eye when she heard someone was coming to my home for dinner after that time! She would ask them if they had packed a peanut butter sandwich! On several occasions we have had people from other countries to our home. We had a man and his family (5 children) over several times when they relocated from Cuba. They were wonderful and even though the wife could not speak English – the fellowship was sweet.
What advice would you give for showing hospitality while on a budget?
Budget was ALWAYS major when we had so many boys at home. I can remember saying, “Ok, guys…we are having _____________over today…so make sure everyone has plenty before you go back for more!” One of the BEST bargains for feeding a crowd is potatoes! I have used this for years! You can bake white and sweet potatoes – pile them in the crock pot to keep warm and make a filling inexpensive potato bar for a crowd. We have always been blessed to have a freezer – when those turkeys go on sale during the Christmas Season – we buy several. My husband is great on the smoker and you can feed half the church with that turkey! Soups and chili go a long way as well. Spaghetti was a standard for guest when my boys were home. I could make a giant crock pot of sauce with very little meat and feed a crowd. All my sons have commented on how much MORE MEAT there is in my sauce now!
What are some of your “tried and true” menu ideas for gatherings/meals in your home?
One thing I do weekly now is roast veggies early Sunday mornings. I will do an entire roasting pan full of broccoli, or asparagus or brussel sprouts. Toss them with garlic and spices and a little olive oil and roast for 20 -30 minutes. The reason I do this is roasted veggies reheat so easily when I walk in from church and want dinner on the table fast. They don’t get mushy and we enjoy any leftovers all week.
The quickest, easiest meal I ever make for company is lasagna. I usually make a traditional meat and then a veggie one as well. I do it ahead and put it in the oven with the timer to come on (hopefully!), set the table, bread and salad.
Do you have any other pieces of wisdom you’d like to share with the younger women reading this blog?
I don’t ALWAYS do this but boy does it help when I can. DO AS MUCH AS YOU CAN BEFORE YOUR GUEST COME. I even try to do this with my family each Sunday…or when I have SPECIAL GUESTS FROM NC! The more I get done before my friends or family arrive – the more of my attention I can give to them!
One more thing I really want to say to women: love your Pastor and his family!!! Sometimes if I have made a meal for my family, I make up two plates and Danny runs them over to our Pastor and his wife. When they come on Wednesdays, I always send them home with leftovers …or enough to pack their lunches for the next day. They give so much love and care to us and have for so long…I try to show love and care for them.
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us today, Mom C.!! I know we’ve all learned a lot from what you’ve shared!
This is all so good! I love roasted veggies. Can you tell me how you do them ahead of time? Cover the pan? What temperature? Leave them in the oven during church or put in fridge? Reheat in microwave? Mine always get mushy.
Toss veggies lightly with olive oil and sea salt. Leave the pan uncovered (I usually use a rimmed cookie sheet lined with foil). Bake 12-15 minutes at 400-425. You can add other seasonings as well (freshly squeezed lemon juice and grated Parmesan are DIVINE over broccoli; Greek seasonings are good over a California blend). I typically refrigerate the veggies and reheat them in the microwave, but you could always warm them in the oven if you don’t use the microwave.