I’m a little behind posting this, but I’m at 18 weeks with this pregnancy now! I love this photo of me & Tad from Easter Sunday.
In case you missed the announcement last week, Baby #3 is a BOY! We’re very excited. Vera talks about her “little brother” and I know she’ll be such a good big sister to him.
I’m feeling great! I helped install a wood laminate floor in our kitchen over the weekend, so I can add that to the list of house projects I’ve done while pregnant.
I know it doesn’t look like I’m showing much in this picture, but I am really popping out more. It’s fun!
Thank you for continuing to pray for our Baby Boy!
looking super cute, aliesha! make sure you stop by my blog to enter yourself in all the giveaways I am doing… baby blanket, leggings, belt, and more! they would look so cute on baby boy! 🙂