Isn’t it amazing when God gives us blessings upon blessings… and things we desire but sometimes don’t even pray about because they are so “little”?
This week I was really wanting some cute Valentine’s Day clothes for Vera and Cordelia to wear so I could take some fun photos of them (see that post here). Sure, they had pink/red shirts they could have worn, and I was okay with that. Truly.
I almost bought some shirts at a consignment store, but felt silly purchasing something just for one day. I hadn’t even mentioned this to Tad (or he probably would have told me to just buy the shirts), and it was such a little thing I hadn’t even prayed about it.
Wednesday when I was talking on the phone with a friend, I happened to go through a big bag of hand-me-down clothes that a friend had generously given me for the girls. (I’m ashamed to admit how long this bag of clothes had been waiting for me to sort through it.)
Near the top of the bag, under a few dresses, were FIVE pink or red shirts with hearts on them (two of which the girls wore in their Valentine’s Day pictures).
I know this seems like such a little thing, but it’s little things like this that remind me how much God truly cares about ALL of the details of our lives (not just the BIG ones!).
God provided Valentine’s Day shirts for my girls… when I didn’t even ask!
I have dozens and dozens of stories like this (and I’m sure you do too!), and I know that God can be trusted to provide for our family in both big and small ways. Are you trusting Him to provide for you today?