Happy 10 months to our sweet Cordelia! She is just precious and fills our days with so much joy.
Some milestones:
-stands up while holding onto things and “walks” around furniture
-crawls really fast
-dances to music
-can click her tongue
-loves playing with the little plastic nativity set
-chews on everything
-eats solid foods three times a day (egg yolks, cheese, yogurt, chicken/turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans, bananas, salsa, refried beans, etc.)
-still nurses 7ish times a day
-sleeps 8pm until 7 or 8am
-takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap
-still likes it when Mommy babywears her
-likes cuddling
-still just has two teeth on the bottom and none on the top
-pushes buttons on toys that make noise
-is just about the happiest baby you’ll ever see (many people have told us this!)
-weighs about 21 pounds
We are tremendously thankful for our happy baby!