Two days late. Sorry!
Cordelia is now seven months old and speeding around the bend towards one year!
Here are some milestones:
-started crawling (at 6.5 months)
-now speeds around the room on her hands and knees
-shows a lot of interest in things she finds on the floor
-got her first tooth (it just barely popped through this weekend)
-is developing her pincer grasp
-loves to examine her hands and toes
-chews on anything she finds
-takes 2 naps a day now
-is starting to show an interest in stuffed animals (particularly big sister’s tiger and bunny)
-will put a little weight on her legs if you hold her up
-said “mama” last night
-weighs around 20 pounds (scale at home, not at Dr.)
We are so thankful for our happy, growing girl!
Kelly says
Such a sweet girl!