“For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
I sometimes feel like my faith is so very small. God has been doing awesome things for our family, yet I still have times of worry and doubt. Even when I do have faith, it seems like it is only as big as a mustard seed.
This week we have yet another amazing story to tell of how God is providing for our family!
Tad and I have been a little worried about our debt to the hospital, since we still owed over $4000 for Vera’s birth and we will be adding probably around $6000 to that debt for Mango’s birth in February. I have been praying and trusting (in my small faith) that God would provide what we need to pay each hospital bill as it comes.
Today Tad tried to pay the monthly hospital bill online, but there was an error. He called the hospital to ask about it. They told him that our bill is $0 – and that it has been PAID with just a notation of “charity.” We still have no idea exactly what happened, other than that we serve a God who owns “the cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10)!
In our mustard-seed-sized-faith, we had been praying for each monthly bill, but God took our faith and moved a mountain!
Praise Him!
Thank you God!!! He is always faithful π
Thats awesome!
That is amazing Aliehsa…we do serve an incredible God…you have me crying with just the awesomeness of God!
Wow, this is fantastic! Praise God for His provision!!! And God, please bless in a special way whoever paid this bill! π
On another note, but related… have you ever heard of Samaritan Ministries? It’s a health-care sharing ministry for Christians – not exactly health insurance, but even BETTER. We’ve been part of it for years (since Jeff is self-employed, paying for our own insurance would have been astronomical, so we looked into alternatives when we got back from Israel), and we LOVE IT. I could not recommend it any higher. It might be something for you all to look into as a way of letting other Christians help to bear your burdens! Of course, you can email me if you have more questions. π
Thanks so much for sharing the good news of God’s provision for you! Rejoicing with you!!! π
@Davene GraceWe have been looking into Samaritan Ministries lately, but at this time it seems unaffordable for us. We would love to consider it for the future, though! So glad you have had a wonderful experience with it.
Even though Steph told me on the phone about this today…I still came out here and read it and had tears in my eyes. We shouldn’t be surprised that things like this happen when we serve a God like ours…but I am still just AMAZED!!! haha, it’s so incredible!! π what a blessing. Thank you Lord!
@AlieshaI’m glad to read that you had heard about it, and I do hope that in the future something will work out for you to be part of it (or a similar ministry). I shared your good news with the rest of my family (including my parents) over dinner tonight, and they were all amazed, too! π
Thanks for sharing this. This has encouraged me and my husband so much. We too are dealing with doctor’s bills and have been learning how to have faith and knowing that God will provide all we need.