About a year ago (nearly to the day), I was looking a little something like this:
Vera waited another 13 days after that picture was taken to make her appearance! While at the time I thought she was VERY LATE, I realize now that she was right on time! I am thankful that God allowed her to develop fully so that when she was born she was healthy and alert.
Isn’t it wonderful that God’s timing is always perfect?!
You are SO right!! God has JUST the right day for each baby to be born. Sometimes (often?) doctors forget this ;-( Personally, my very best delivery was when we just waited for the baby’s (God’s!) timing, rather than hurrying things up…even tho’ I felt SO overdue! So…expectant moms out there—remember…God has your baby’s BIRTHday perfectly planned! Wait upon Him!
PS–You were so lovely, even when you were “overdue!”