Today little Vera turns eleven months old! She’s growing so fast it feels like we’re watching her on fast-forward. Since last month, she started walking, so that has been keeping us busy! It is very exciting seeing her develop into such a fun little person with such a big personality.
Some milestones:
-walking (can push up from a seated position; can walk 40+ steps without stopping; can turn around without falling down)
-blows raspberries and makes other cute noises with her mouth
-starting to squeal when happy or excited
-eats so many different kinds of foods (feeds herself everything, including messy stuff like yogurt) and is always willing to try new things
-nurses 4-5 times a day
-is very gentle with the kitty
-loves her sippy cup (we just give her water)
-will only stand up while being bathed (refuses to sit in the tub)
-takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap
-sleeps about 12 hours each night
-weighs: ?? (need to check…)
-waves and smiles at people she sees in stores and at church
-loves being “chased” by Daddy and tries to run away
-claps and bounces to music
-laughs a LOT
-chubby little thighs are a tickle spot!
We love our Vera!
Awe… so cute;) She’s an adorable little walker… her chubby little thighs are precious!