Apparently Vera is wearing the same outfit in her six month picture as in her five month picture. I really do change her clothes.
Vera celebrated her half-birthday today! We have enjoyed every moment of the last six months with her in our lives.
Some milestones:
-can sit up without assistance for a couple minutes
-loves rolling over and will hardly lie still on her back long enough to change her diaper
-can “scootch” and “inch” and “army crawl”
-will prop herself up on her hands and knees and rock forward and backward – she is SO close to crawling
-enjoys scooting around the kitchen in her walker
-puts everything in her mouth to inspect it
-says Dada and Daddy
-loves our kitty and enjoys petting him when she can get close enough to him
-teething? (I thought she was teething two months ago, so what do I know?)
-weighs just over 15 pounds, I believe
-goes to bed at 9:30ish
-isn’t sleeping so great right now due to the sixth month growth spurt!
-takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap
-is cloth diapered full-time, even at night
-started eating solid foods!
-likes Baby Mum-Mums, avocado, and bananas
-still hates baths
-adores her Daddy
-likes “talking” on the phone
-enjoys being read Dr. Seuss books (especially Daddy’s favorite, Fox in Socks)
-laughs and smiles a lot
Dear Vera,
When I got to cuddle with you today after your nap, I couldn’t help but get happy tears in my eyes as I praised God for you. You are so precious to us!
It has been fun watching you grow and learn. You are developing in so many ways and we can’t wait to see what talents and abilities God gives you. We are enjoying watching your personality unfold and we love making you smile!
We enjoy making fun memories with you as we do things like read books, cuddle, take walks in the neighborhood, go to story time at the library, attend church, and visit with friends. Everyone who meets you tells us what a sweet (and beautiful!) girl we have.
We love you so much, darling Vera!
Mommy & Daddy
..and we love you,too, Vera! And your mommie and daddy! grammy and grandanny
She is absolutely precious. I love the last pic 🙂
love the food pic!!